PSY3140 Columbia Southern Reducing Prejudice Discrimination Paper In Chapter 13, you read about six conditions in which contact reduces prejudices. In this
PSY3140 Columbia Southern Reducing Prejudice Discrimination Paper In Chapter 13, you read about six conditions in which contact reduces prejudices. In this assignment, you will reflect on these conditions and develop a program to reduce prejudice.
Your essay should include the following components:
Describe the six conditions used to reduce prejudice.
Discuss at least two conditions that you think are most important and why.
You must access the CSU Online Library to find a peer-reviewed empirical article that satisfies at least one of the six conditions, and address the following points:
Describe the program in the context of the two (or more) conditions that you previously selected.
Explain why you believe this program will be effective by drawing on research concerning prejudices.
Discuss how the program would be implemented.
Your response should be at least two pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
TEXTBOOK: Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2013). Social psychology (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
CH 13 Norms Below:
Mutual interdependence is a term in which a collection of oligopolies all benefit from every individual. They can benefit through market share, location in terms of geography, product differentiation, price allocation, etc. However, it is illegal for oligopolies to collude
Common goal-Sustainable communities meet the varied needs of existing and future residents, their children and other users participate to a high quality of life and offer opportunity and choice. They attain this in ways that make effective use of natural resources, enhance the environment, promote social cohesion and inclusion and strengthen economic prosperity.
The Equal Status forbid discrimination in the provision of goods and services, the delivery of accommodation and access to education on any of the grounds set like the gender ground, the civil status ground, the family status ground, the sexual orientation ground, the religion ground, the age ground, the disability ground, the ground of race’ (includes ‘race, colour, nationality or ethnic, and the Traveller community’ ground
Friendly, informal setting- is having a personal life, socializing, exercising and taking care of yourself; setting the right objectives provides the individual with the focus and direction they require to succeed, according to the individual definition of success. Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about a person’s ideal future and for motivating themselves to turn their vision of this future into reality. It guides the person’s actions and tracks their progress and this awareness makes it possible for them to accomplish anything that is important to them
Typical of their groups-The individuals fairly engaged or typically attend worship once or twice every month and make up just over a third of participants. For this kind of group, worship is their prime connection with music and sermons being particularly significant. The individuals are less likely to be involved in small groups for education and nurture. Nevertheless, the Typical help keep churches going through their work on committees and boards
social norms that promote and support equality among groups-when the individuals become more respectful and supportive towards each other without minding where they come from, their skin colour, the language they speak, the world can become a better place to live in because there will be peace.