Psychology Avila Practicum Reflection Journal i am psychology major and i am doing an internship this semester with a super market at called stop and shop,

Psychology Avila Practicum Reflection Journal i am psychology major and i am doing an internship this semester with a super market at called stop and shop, it is a supermarket sales grocery and liquor and fast food, and it is a gas station too,

i am required to maintain a practicum reflection journal documentation and reflection on my practicum experience and i will attach the rubric for this assignment down

PRJ Rubric

PRJ Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUsed required template format & file conventionsview longer description

threshold: 1.0 pts

1.0 ptsComplete adoption of template format & file conventions.

0.0 ptsDid not adopt template format & file conventions.

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources cited in APA styleview longer description

threshold: 2.0 pts

2.0 ptsCorrect use of APA format.

1.0 ptsMinor errors in APA format (i.e., one or two incorrect punctuation or in-text citation errors).

0.0 ptsNo sources cited or incorrect APA format.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs well writtenview longer description

threshold: 2.0 pts

2.0 ptsall three criteria met

1.0 ptstwo of the above criteria met

0.0 ptsnone or only one of above criteria met

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection to the field of psychology with appropriate APA citationview longer description

threshold: 5.0 pts

5.0 ptsConnection made to two or more psychological theories, research or concepts with supporting citations and information presented is accurate with substantial details; critical thinking and significant understanding evident.

4.0 ptsConnection made to two or more psychological theories, research or concepts with supporting citations, and information presented is accurate with adequate details; clear understanding of material is evident.

3.0 ptsConnection made to one or more psychological theories, research or concepts and information presented contains no more than one inaccuracy, minor misunderstanding of material presented, lack adequate details, or missing supporting citations; fair understanding evident.

2.0 ptsConnection made to one or more psychological theories, research, or concepts with supporting citations, but information presented is inaccurate or lacks adequate description and contextual details; weak understanding evident.

1.0 ptsConnection made to one or more psychological theories, research, or concepts, but without supporting citations, and information presented is inaccurate or lacks adequate description and contextual details; little to no understanding evident.

0.0 ptsNo connection made to the field of psychology or related academic studies

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection to professional or personal developmentview longer description

threshold: 5.0 pts

5.0 ptsConnection made to professional or personal development, write-up very well articulated and developed with substantial detail; critical thinking and significant effort evident.

4.0 ptsConnection made to professional or personal development, write-up well-articulated and developed with adequate detail; clear effort demonstrated.

3.0 ptsConnection made to professional or personal development, write-up clear but not well developed, insufficient detail; more effort expected.

2.0 ptsConnection made to professional or personal development was attempted, but write-up was weak, hard to understand, or lacked sufficient detail to illustrate the connection; little effort demonstrated.

1.0 ptsConnection made to professional or personal development was attempted, but write-up was poor, hard to understand, and was very sketchy lacking sufficient detail to illustrate the connection; little to no effort demonstrated.

0.0 ptsNo connection made to professional or personal development.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 15.0

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