Psychosocial Factors and Psychosocial Intervention Question 1 (90 marks) 1200 – 1320 Words The launch of Mental Health Blueprint in 2006 provided the oppo

Psychosocial Factors and Psychosocial Intervention Question 1 (90 marks) 1200 – 1320 Words

The launch of Mental Health Blueprint in 2006 provided the opportunity for increased awareness of psychological aspects of abnormal behaviour in Singapore. This report showcased a variety of initiatives with an emphasis on improving awareness of mental health and shifting the existing system from a largely institution-based model towards a community-based model of care. With increasing awareness of psychological aspects of abnormal behaviour, a complex relationship between psychosocial factors and psychopathology is evident.

a) Examine the psychosocial factors prevalent in Singapore that may affect the psychological functioning. (20 marks) (200-320 words)

Explain factor that leads to the psychological disorder
Eg: Psychological – Behavioral and cognitive factors(learned helplessness, imitation, observation, prepared learning, implicit memory)
Eg: Social – Friends and family, social learning, gender, social stigma and superstitious behavior

b) Discuss the role of psychosocial factors in the etiology of the psychopathology in Singapore, with reference to two disorders. (35 marks) (500 words)

Eg of 2 disorders: Depression and Eating Disorders
How does psychosocial vulnerability leads to disorder? – Eg: how does psychosocial factors (eg, stress, learned helplessness, negative cognitive style, marital relations) leads to depression and eating disorder?
Apart from psychosocial factors, describe how diathesis – stress model and gene environment correlation model (if applicable) leads to disorder, with reference to two disorders?

c) Determine the role of psychosocial interventions/treatment in the prevention of psychopathology. (35 marks) (500 words)

Note: A minimum of 3 academic journal articles published from 2009 onwards are required.

The answers must be segregated in terms of a), b) and c)

General advice

A) You are expected to identify the psychosocial factors that influence patients’ mental health functioning. In order to understand patients’ psychosocial difficulties, it is necessary to consider the psychosocial mechanisms that influence the relationship between psychosocial factors and mental health. Interview studies showed that patients’ unique psychosocial functioning is caused by parental overprotection, excessive physical restrictions, and uncertain prognoses. The essay requires you to find out the role of the psychosocial factors in the causes of the any two disorders. Further, you are expected to address the role of psychosocial interventions/treatment to alleviate suffering and promote recovery in the mental health illness.

You have to read widely to discuss how psychosocial functioning influence the mental functioning.

B) You need to provide a Reference List at the end of your assignment (last page), which shows all the references you have cited in your answers, the textbook or any published material like books, journals or periodicals. The references must be presented in APA (American Psychological Association) format.

Textbook: Barlow, David H. & Durand, V. Mark, (2015). Abnormal Psychology: An integrative approach. (7th Edition) Belmont, CA: Wardsworth Cengage

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Abnormal Psychology
Tutor-Marked Assignment 01
January 2019 Presentation
PSY203 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01
January 2019 Semester
This tutor‐marked assignment (TMA) is worth 20% of the final mark for PSY203 Abnormal
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January 2019 Semester
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January 2019 Semester
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Follow the APA format as described in the “PSY Referencing Guide”. Appropriate in-text
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Information about the APA style and basic tutorials can be found in the APA website:
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PSY203 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01
January 2019 Semester
Marks allocation at a glance
Deduct 5 marks if the new TMA
Cover Page is incomplete, inaccurate
or missing.
Question 1
English competency
Note: All marks will only be awarded with the TMA submission via Turnitin.
Question 1 (90 marks)
The launch of Mental Health Blueprint in 2006 provided the opportunity for increased
awareness of psychological aspects of abnormal behaviour in Singapore. This report
showcased a variety of initiatives with an emphasis on improving awareness of mental health
and shifting the existing system from a largely institution-based model towards a communitybased model of care. With increasing awareness of psychological aspects of abnormal
behaviour, a complex relationship between psychosocial factors and psychopathology is
a) Examine the psychosocial factors prevalent in Singapore that may affect the psychological
(20 marks)
b) Discuss the role of psychosocial factors in the etiology of the psychopathology in Singapore,
with reference to two disorders.
(35 marks)
c) Determine the role of psychosocial interventions/treatment in the prevention of
(35 marks)
Note: A minimum of 3 academic journal articles published from 2009 onwards are required.
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PSY203 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01
January 2019 Semester
General advice
A) You are expected to identify the psychosocial factors that influence patients’ mental health
functioning. In order to understand patients’ psychosocial difficulties, it is necessary to
consider the psychosocial mechanisms that influence the relationship between psychosocial
factors and mental health. Interview studies showed that patients’ unique psychosocial
functioning is caused by parental overprotection, excessive physical restrictions, and uncertain
prognoses. The essay requires you to find out the role of the psychosocial factors in the causes
of the any two disorders. Further, you are expected to address the role of psychosocial
interventions/treatment to alleviate suffering and promote recovery in the mental health illness.
You have to read widely to discuss how psychosocial functioning influence the mental
B) You need to provide a Reference list at the end of your assignment (last page), which shows
all the references you have cited in your answers, the textbook or any published material like
books, journals or periodicals. The references must be presented in APA (American
Psychological Association) format.
References (5 marks)
The References section lists the full reference of all sources cited or referred to in your
• Refer to the referencing guide entitled “PSY Referencing Guide”.
• The heading “References” should be centred on the page.
• Present the reference list in alphabetical order.
• Do not number the reference items/entries.
• Observe the hanging indentation (i.e., if the reference goes on to a second line, the second
line onwards must be indented).
• Use double line spacing.
• Note the correct order of information to be presented in each entry starting with the
author’s surname, comma, followed by the author’s initials (note full stops, letter spacing,
and commas where applicable especially if there is more than 1 author), year of
publication in brackets, full stop, book title in italics (only the first word of the book title
starts with a capital letter) or journal article title not in italics (only the first word of the
article title starts with a capital letter), etc. (refer to the referencing guide).
4-5 marks: Shows appropriate in-text citation and a minimum of 3 references listed accurately
in APA format.
2-3 marks: There are errors and/or omissions in the referencing style of the in-text citations
and the reference list; in-text citations and/or the reference list may be incomplete.
0-1 mark: No marks awarded if there is no in-text citation and the reference list is missing;
award one mark if the student has presented in-text citations or has attempted to present a
reference list even though formatting errors may be widespread.
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PSY203 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01
January 2019 Semester
English competency (5 marks)
5 marks: Extremely well-written with no grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.
4 marks: Well-written with one or two grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.
3 marks: Fairly well-written but with a number of grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.
2 marks: Poorly written with grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors which affect coherence.
0-1 mark: Badly written with serious grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.
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PSY203 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01
January 2019 Semester
Generic Band Descriptors for Students
Excellent answer
• shows a clear and thorough understanding of the topic concerned by covering relevant
points accurately and comprehensively in a well-structured, focused and cohesive
• provides excellent illustrations/examples/supporting evidence
• shows very strong evidence of critical thinking/analysis and in-depth understanding
• goes beyond expectation and shows original thinking
Good to Very Good answer
• shows a good to very good understanding of the topic concerned by covering relevant
points accurately in a well-structured, focused and cohesive manner
• provides good illustrations/examples/supporting evidence
• shows good evidence of critical thinking/analysis and in-depth understanding
Fair answer
• shows a fair understanding of the topic concerned by covering relevant points
adequately, but may not always be well structured, focused and cohesive
• provides adequate illustrations or examples, however, they may not always be
• shows little evidence of critical thinking/analysis and lacks in-depth understanding
Weak answer
• shows only rudimentary understanding of the topic concerned and only manages to
cover a relevant point or two adequately, but is not well structured, focused and
• attempts to provide illustrations or examples, however, they are generally inappropriate
or irrelevant
• shows no evidence of critical thinking
• may contain inaccuracies and omissions
Poor answer (borderline pass)
• does not show adequate understanding of the topic concerned and may not sufficiently
cover any of the relevant points
• does not provide illustrations or examples
• tends to be descriptive and may be off-point
• contains errors and misconceptions
Fail (less than 40%)
• shows very little understanding of the topic concerned and does not cover any of the
relevant points
• fails to provide illustrations or examples
• attempts to describe but is off-point
• contains serious errors and misconceptions
Bad Fail (less than 15%)
• shows no understanding of the question
• some marks may be awarded if there is evidence that some effort was made to make
sense of the question
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