Purdue The Role of P-O fit in Organization Selection Decision Apple Case This is the UPDATE of the paper you have started for “APPLE”, i have included the

Purdue The Role of P-O fit in Organization Selection Decision Apple Case This is the UPDATE of the paper you have started for “APPLE”, i have included the total $$ for the paper, the paper due next is due FEB 2, 2019, please ask questions if you have any. the rest of due dates are listed below

I have enclosed the due dates for the next updates/final.

you have already completed the Topic, which was due January 16: $10 (paid)

(total for this project $200)

2nd update $40 – Provide an updated outline where you assign sources to the main- and sub-points you will be developing. due SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2019

3rd update $50 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2019

Final paper $100 SUNDAY , SUNDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2019

Choose a topic with an outline of what you expect to cover. This should address the assessment theories, concepts, and models you intend to explore and the workplace you will evaluate. You may use the following format for the outline to explain your intended points:

Topic Specified:

Main Point I

Subpoint A (source cited)

Subpoint B (source cited)

Main Point II

Subpoint A (source cited)

Subpoint B (source cited)

Main Point III

Subpoint A (source cited)

Subpoint B (source cited)



Develop an assessment strategy for an organization of your choosing. Preferably, this should be an organization with which you are familiar such as your current workplace or a former work environment. Presume you are an external consultant hired to help the organization with a particular assessment. You are to identify what the client’s particular need(s) will be. It may include assessing junior managers for executive positions, developing an organizational culture, and/or developing a recruitment and retention strategy for veterans. Describe the process you would take, briefly explain the organization and its need.

You should consider the following questions when researching and writing your paper:

How would you determine the organization’s needs?
What types of assessments would you recommend and select?
How did you evaluate the assessments?
How would you explain and determine the cost-benefit of the assessments to the organization’s decision makers?
How would you administer the assessments?
How would you evaluate and report your results?
What action planning steps would you incorporate into the process?

The paper will include a title page, abstract, and reference list – none of which count toward the page requirement. The paper will be written in accordance with APA style and should be approximately 15 to 20 pages in length. Use at least 12 scholarly references.

Papers will also be judged on the level of analysis, grammar, spelling, and adherence to these standards.

Final Paper Updates: due at various points throughout the course.

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