QMTH 205-001 Problem Set 1 Please use the data above from a local 5K race. 1) Create a frequency distribution for gender. 2) Draw a bar chart or pie char
QMTH 205-001 Problem Set 1 Please use the data above from a local 5K race.
1) Create a frequency distribution for gender.
2) Draw a bar chart or pie chart to display gender.
3)Create a contingency table for “total time” and age for men. Make “total time” intervals of 4 minutes (22 -25.99, 26-29.99, 30-33.99, etc.) Put ages ingroups of 6-15, 16-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, and 56-65, 66-75.
4)Create a contingency table for “total time” and age for women. Make “total time” intervals of 4 minutes(22-25.99,26-29.99, 30-33.99, etc.) Put ages in groups of 6-15, 16-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, and 56-65, 66-75.
5)Make a bar chart (one chart -show both genders) for the race results by gender. Write a short paragraph to compare/contrast the male/female results.
6)Calculate the mean, mode, and median age for all runners.
7)Calculate the means, modes, and medians for runners’ age based on gender.
8)Calculate the means, variances, and standard deviations for pace for the first 20runners based on gender.
9)Draw a stem and leaf diagram for age (all runners).
10)Calculate the IQR of age and draw a boxplot (all runners). Are there any outliers?