Rasmussen College Medicine Case Scenarios Reflection Written Assignment In a one page paper, write your response to one the following case scenarios. Befor
Rasmussen College Medicine Case Scenarios Reflection Written Assignment In a one page paper, write your response to one the following case scenarios. Before writing, review information about the cultural or subgroup discussed so that you can offer the best response. Remember, you are not being asked to solve the client’s problem, but you are being asked to identify cultural factors, considerations, and facts about your client’s culture and/or subgroup that will aid you in responding with cultural sensitivity.
Only select one of the scenarios for your assignment.
Scenario #1.You are an on-call worker in the ER. The hospital has asked you to evaluate an older-aged Chinese woman whom the police brought to the ER in response to a domestic disturbance call. The woman has a black eye. Neighbors reported hearing the woman’s husband yelling and throwing objects on the front lawn. The woman says very little and claims that her injuries are the result of a fall. The police have arrested the husband. What are the cultural issues to consider when responding to this crisis? Be specific. Give examples.
Scenario #2. You are a volunteer hotline crisis worker who receives a call from a distraught young man with a heavy accent. The young man states that he wants to “end it all.” Upon further exploration, you learn that several weeks ago the man was diagnosed with HIV. This is not your first time dealing with suicidal callers. How will you respond differently to this caller? What information will you need to consider when providing feedback to this caller? What are the cultural issues to consider? Be specific. Give examples.
Scenario #3. A mother and father bring their teenage daughter into your office for an “emergency session.” The parents are horrified, having just discovered that their 15 year old daughter is pregnant. The parents are devout members of a conservative Christian religion with equally strong conservative beliefs. The daughter does not want to keep the baby and is considering abortion. The parents do not believe in sexual relationships before marriage and abortion is out of the question. They believe that the “honorable thing to do” is to have the daughter marry the young man with whom she had sexual relations. What cultural issues do you need to consider when responding to this crisis. Be specific. Give examples.