Rasmussen College Peer Review of Course Project PP Presentation ONLY A DISCUSSION. PLEASE WRITE A VIEW FOR ATTACHED DOCUMENT. You have been working

Rasmussen College Peer Review of Course Project PP Presentation ONLY A DISCUSSION. PLEASE WRITE A VIEW FOR ATTACHED DOCUMENT.

You have been working hard on your Course Project and it’s time to get some feedback from your classmates.

Peer review is a collaborative process that allows papers/projects to be evaluated and commented upon by your classmates. This process allows others to evaluate the quality, validity, and relevance of your work. Although it is subjective, peer review should provide you with constructive feedback. Use this feedback to help recognize what you have done well and to identify any elements that may need additional work.

For your initial post, attach your Rough Draft PowerPoint presentation, including references. Submit your rough draft as early as possible so that other students have a chance to read it and provide feedback.

For your response post, review the work of at least one classmate whose work has not been reviewed yet. As you do so, provide the following:

Detailed and constructive feedback on structure and content of your peer’s PowerPoint presentation.
Detailed and constructive feedback on spelling and grammar (including Title Slide and APA References Slide) of your peer’s PowerPoint presentation. Healthcare, let’s talk about
Rylie Citrowske
First things first is the fact that american healthcare is different than any other countries
We belief in capitalism which prevents us from developing the kind of national healthcare
the United Kingdom, France, and Canada have used for decades.
Throughout the years our own system has evolved drastically and either we love it or we
hate it.
Let’s start out with the 1800’s
This is when all of the trial and error began for health care!
Steel mill jobs came to US citizens which led to dangerous work and created work
In order to shield their union members from catastrophic financial losses due to injury or
illness, they began to offer various forms of sickness protection.Which then started the
journey of health insurance.
Then we have 1900-1930’s
Organized medicine, led by American Medical Association (AMA), which was growing and gained
62,000 physicians during the coming decade.
Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909), believed health insurance was important because “no country could
be strong whose people were sick and poor.”
Under the proposed bill, people would receive sick pay, maternity benefits, and a death benefit of
$50.00 to cover funeral expenses. The cost of these benefits would be split between states, employers,
and employees.
World War I started and congress passed the War Risk Insurance Act, which covered military for
death or injury. The Act changed to extend financial support their families.
1900-1930’s cont.
In 1920 the cost of healthcare became a more pressing matter as hospitals and physicians
began to charge more than citizens could afford.
A blood bank is established for blood transfusions in the Department of Obstetrics &
Gynecology in 1938. In 1939, the Blood Bank is more formally organized under the
Central Laboratories. The first blood bank was founded at the Cook County Hospital in
Chicago in 1936. In New York, Mt. Sinai opened a blood bank in May 1938.
Social Security Act of 1935 created a system of “old-age” benefits and allowed states to
create provisions for people who were either unemployed or disabled
In September, RCA broadcasts the first televised operations performed at New York Hospital to the American
College of Surgeons’ conference at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York.
U.S. businesses were prohibited from offering higher salaries, they began looking for other ways to recruit new
employees as well as a way to keep their old ones. Penicillin in the 40’s opened people’s eyes to the benefits of
medical advancements and discoveries.
Medical advancement = additional costs. During 1940’s, the price of hospital care doubled, brought up America’s
need for affordable healthcare.
Dr. Vincent du Vigneaud, Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry, receives the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for
his research on the pituitary gland hormone oxytocin, which is crucial for childbirth and producing milk
Johnson signed the Social Security Act of 1965 on July 30 of that year, with President Harry Truman sitting at the
table with him. This bill laid the groundwork for what we now know as Medicare and Medicaid.
The first full service burn center in the New York metropolitan area opens in December. A 1977 expansion of the
facility which includes the FDNY Skin Bank, makes it the largest burn center in the country.
AIDS biomedical research begins in 1983. The Center for Special Studies and AIDS Clinical Trials, directed by Dr.
Jonathan Jacobs, is established in 1986. In 1991, a new facility on the 24th Floor of the Baker Tower is opened.
In 1996, Clinton signed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which established
privacy standards for individuals. It also guaranteed that a person’s medical records would be available upon their
Clinton lastly created the Children’s Health Insurance Program and it expanded Medicaid assistance to “uninsured
children up to age 19 in families with incomes too high to qualify them for Medicaid.”
1970-2000’s cont.
Dr. Ronald Crystal, Chief of the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Division, is the
first to use a genetically altered cold virus to treat cystic fibrosis, at his research laboratory
at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. He continues his pioneer research at this
medical center. Two years later, in 1995, Dr. Crystal performs a similar gene therapy to
treat colorectal cancer that has metastasized the liver
The history of healthcare slowed down at that point, as the national healthcare debate was
tabled while the U.S. focused on the increased threat of terrorism and the second Iraq War.
It wasn’t until election campaign mumblings began in 2006 and 2007 that insurance
worked its way back into the national discussion.
On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(PPACA), commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law.
8 million people signed up for insurance through the ACA Marketplace during the first open
enrollment season. The numbers increased to 11.7 million in 2015.
It’s no secret that the ACA was met with heavy opposition for a variety of reasons. Some provisions
were even taken before the Supreme Court on the basis of constitutionality.
It could be argued that the most helpful part of the ACA was its pre-existing condition clause. ACA
allowed for immediate coverage of maternal and prenatal care, which had previously been far more
restrictive in private insurance policies.
Health care today and its future
It is now apparent to lawmakers that either repealing or replacing the ACA would be no
easy task.
There are plenty of questions that need answered and it doesn’t seem like a decision will
be reached anytime soon, but one thing is for sure: changes will be made.
The history of healthcare in America will continue to evolve and it will be interesting to
see where this administration takes us.
To be determined.
Reference page:
Griffin, J. (n.d.). The History of Healthcare in America. Retrieved from
Medical Center Highlights. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://library.weill.cornell.edu/medical-center-highlights

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