Rasmussen College Plan of Action on Suicidal Thoughts Scenario Analysis Assess the suicide risk presented in the scenarios below. Prepare a one page paper

Rasmussen College Plan of Action on Suicidal Thoughts Scenario Analysis Assess the suicide risk presented in the scenarios below. Prepare a one page paper that addresses the questions presented.

Only select one of the scenarios for your assignment.


John is a 33 year old white male. His wife states that she is going to leave him. She is also present for the interview. John has a 4 year old son and a 5 year old daughter. John is tearful and cries throughout your interview with him. He states that he wants to die. As you continue your assessment, John’s wife tells you that John is an alcoholic, and John admits that he has a serious drinking problem. You inquire further concerning John’s suicidal thoughts. John says that he owns a gun and that he would shoot himself should he choose to die.

In response to John’s suicidal thoughts and comments, what additional questions should the counselor ask in order to ascertain John’s level of danger to himself or others?
What relevant questions about the client’s family history might the counselor ask in order to further assess risk?
Now that you have assessed John’s suicide risk, what is your plan of action to prevent or deter suicidal behavior?

Scenario #2

Maria is a 27 year old Hispanic female who gave birth to a baby girl two months ago. Maria has been referred to you by her primary physician who recently prescribed her Zoloft for post-partum depression. Maria has been taking the medication for approximately one month. Prior to starting the medication, Maria admits that she had “dark thoughts,” but denies any such feelings presently. Maria describes herself as a “stay-at-home-mom,” and she is married and has a two year old son. Her husband works as trucker and is often away from home for long periods of time. Her family lives out-of-state and she has few friends but complains of feeling overwhelmed with having to care for two children while her husband is away for long periods of time. She states that her most recent pregnancy was unplanned and has created undue personal and financial stress on the family.

With the information provided, to what extent do you believe that Maria is at risk of harming herself or others, for example, low, moderate, high? Elaborate and defend your answer using specific examples.
Identify and describe what critical information is missing from this case scenario and explain why that information is important in assessing risk.
What is your plan of action for Maria? What services can you put in place to help keep the client and her family safe?

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