Renewable energy For this assignment, you will discuss with the other members of your assigned Discussion Group what you have learned about fossil fuels, r

Renewable energy For this assignment, you will discuss with the other members of your assigned Discussion Group what you have learned about fossil fuels, renewable resources, and energy resource management.

Post a 150-word response to one of the following Discussion Prompts by Day 5 in the discussion area below:

A) What are the sources and uses of, as well as the problems associated with, fossil, nuclear, and renewable fuels?
B) How have renewable energy resources replaced a percentage of fossil fuels in other countries? What steps are necessary to further the use of renewable energy resources in the United States?
C) What is the difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency?
D) In the Environmental Basics: Alternative Energy, choose one of the energy sources discussed and explain why that type of energy resource would be a resource that would work in the area in which you live.
Are there people currently harvesting energy using this method near you? Has it made an impact on your quality of life?

Please fully answer either A, B, C, or D above. Note that some questions may have multiple requirements. I will mark your response with the green “S” for tracking purposes, but points may be deducted if not all questions are addressed, the word count is not met, and/or if your response is not posted on-time. It is also helpful to start a new message to post your response. Feel free to then interact with your classmates and myself!

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