Research Methodology and Design Research Methodology and Design A qualitative design will allow this researcher to investigate social trend inquires using
Research Methodology and Design Research Methodology and Design A qualitative design will allow this researcher to investigate social trend inquires using methods that are interactive and humane (Creswell, 2015). In this study, the case study design deals with specific aspects of an individuals’ experiences (Creswell, 2015). A case study design is appropriate for this study because this researcher is interested in understanding the teacher, mainly to learn the complexity of the case or cases of the participants (Creswell, 2015). An in-depth analysis of the case study is to use each teacher’s experience as a case which includes an in-depth data collection process in order to obtain a more profound meaning per individual reading teacher. The data will come from the interviews and questionnaires will use NVivo software to organize the data. Using a case study research design will provide a complete understanding of reading teachers; experiences as possible, which also allows being candid and frank responses from participants. These teachers’ experiences with self- efficacy and struggling readers can be sensitive and personal. One objective of this study is to generate new information on self-efficacy, helping struggling readers and create new questions that could generate new information and locate in the southeastern United States of America where had access to the school where these 14 reading teachers who teach struggling readers. Also, using member checking will be applied to minimize bias. The sources of the data in this study are opened-ended interviews and questionnaires and using these techniques to seek insight into the issues mentioned above. The issues studied include teacher’s perceptions, self-efficacy, and professionalism regarding struggling readers by providing in-depth analysis with a humanistic approach. This qualitative case study examined the feelings of reading teachers, while would be the qualitative factor. The experiences of the teachers, regarding struggling readers, involves a humanistic approach. Self-efficacy of the participating teachers includes their teaching experiences with struggling readers. Reviewing literature found a lack of research on the experiences of K-5 in regards to struggling readers. References: Creswell, J. (2015). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. New York: Pearson.