Response for Discussion Board on Monotheism Follow the directions on the uploaded document. Please, no plagiarism. I will check before accepting the work.

Response for Discussion Board on Monotheism Follow the directions on the uploaded document. Please, no plagiarism. I will check before accepting the work. RESPONSE FOR DISCUSSION BOARD. You are expected to answer the questions fully
and provide evidence for your response. Additionally, you are asked to respond to 2 of your
classmate’s responses to questions.
This should be a thoughtful response that generates discussion. Anyone who only responds
with “good job” or “I like what you said” will not receive credit.
Jennifer Reynoso
The shift to monotheism was not exactly embraced. It was difficult for the priests in Egypt to let
go of their power. Before montheism took place people dedicated themselves to worships the
different gods and to pursue their wants and needs. It was significant for Amenhotep IV desired
to convert the Egyptians to Monotheism because he believed everyone needed to dedicate
themselves to one temple, because not all religious beliefs could be right. so if all temples were
closed their would be no friction between the people because they all believed in the same thing.
He breaks from this father by changing his name and also moved his seat of power and of course
the type of religion the people of egypt believed in.
Rosabely Mota
Discussion Board #1
Before the reign of Amenhotep IV, early western civilizations believed in several different gods
or deities. Individual cities could worship different gods who were responsible for what occurred
in the region.
By changing his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten, Akhenaten rejects his father’s worship
of Amon and the other minor gods. Amenhotep IV was one of the first leaders to present
religious intolerance, demanding that the Aten be the only god worshiped. He initially cuts
funding for the temples of Amon and the other minor gods, and then inevitably tries to erase
Amon from history.If Akhenaten could have drawn the Egyptian’s worship away from the
different city gods, and towards only the Aten it would have been easier for him to control the
By proclaiming that the Aten speaks directly to him and abandoning the old gods, Akhenaten
was likely trying to restore his power from the Amon priests.Considering how powerful the
priests had become during Amenhotep III’s reign, they could have made a decree that would
jeopardize Akhenaten’s position.
The documentary covers Akhenaten moving the Egyptian capital from Thebes to Amarna. I think
this move was a way for Akhenaten to test his control over the Egyptian people, but also an
attempt to make the people forget about the other gods, whose temples were closed.
Akhenaten’s depictions of himself and his family, although very different from the artwork of the
time, allows for his subjects to relate to the pharaoh. Again, I think this type of artwork served to
unify the Egyptian cities by portraying their leader as a family man, much like the individual
families throughout the empire.

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