Role of The CNL Into the Nursing Model Discussion I have posted the instructions along with the case study in the uploaded file. Discussion Post Instructio

Role of The CNL Into the Nursing Model Discussion I have posted the instructions along with the case study in the uploaded file. Discussion Post
Instructions: Students will be required to post answers to discussion questions posted in
BrightSpace. The initial post must between 250-350 words with at least one scholarly
reference. Students will respond to two other members of their group with a response of
at least 150 words. The posts must be meaningful, respectful and substantive.
The health care environment is rapidly changing, and nursing should be proactive in guiding
change. Nurse leaders are in a unique position to be change agents. You have two staff nurses
that have recently completed graduate degrees as a clinical nurse leader (CNL). You have
received administrative approval to change the current nursing model on your unit to
incorporate the role of the CNL.
Related question:
Not everyone on your nursing unit is excited to incorporate the role of the CNL into the
nursing model because it requires a change in their current job responsibilities. Propose
strategies to overcome staff resistance to change.

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