SCIH 026 Evolutionary Standpoint 1) List the traits in the order in which they appear from an evolutionary standpoint. You will start with multicellularity

SCIH 026 Evolutionary Standpoint 1) List the traits in the order in which they appear from an evolutionary standpoint. You will start with multicellularity, then tissues, then radial symmetry and so on and so forth. (20 points)2) Define all traits. (20 points)3) Determine the organism the trait was first found in. Be sure to list only the organism the trait was FIRST found in. Hint! You can determine this by using the phylogenetic trees in your textbook. Starting on page 699 there is a phylogenetic tree with some of the traits. More mini-phylogenetic trees can be found on subsequent pages (702, 704, 705, etc and ending on page 880) (20 points)4) Provide the evolutionary advantage of each trait. (20 points) Project 2
Evaluation 32
Biology 2 (SCIH 026 061)
Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the assignment)
when you send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget to put your name and I.D.
number at the top of this page!
Use Online Submission
This project contains a total possible 100 points and counts for 13% of your final course grade.
This project contains 3 parts:

Part A is explained in the following paragraphs. It is worth a possible 80 points.
Save this part of the project as SCIH02606132Project2A.doc

Part B is your Lab Report from Lesson 8.3. It is worth a possible 10 points.
Save it as SCIH02606132Project2B.doc

Part C is your Lab Report from Lesson 10.2. It is worth a possible 10 points.
Save it as SCIH02606132Project2C.doc
To complete this project, and submit it electronically, you will need to download and save this
editable copy of Project 2, Part A on your computer. You will complete all three parts using your
word processing program, and save them in either .doc or .pdf format for uploading.
Project 2
SCIH 026
Part A – (possible 80 points)
For Part A there are 4 parts you need to include – see numbered bullets below. You are to make a
chart detailing the acquisition of traits from sponges to mammals. It may be done in the form of a
table, a concept map, an outline, or a phylogenetic tree. The following traits must be included and
defined, along with the evolutionary advantage(s) of each and the organism that first exhibited the
1) List the traits in the order in which they appear from an evolutionary standpoint. You will
start with multicellularity, then tissues, then radial symmetry and so on and so forth. (20
2) Define all traits. (20 points)
3) Determine the organism the trait was first found in. Be sure to list only the organism the
trait was FIRST found in. Hint! You can determine this by using the phylogenetic trees in
your textbook. Starting on page 699 there is a phylogenetic tree with some of the traits.
More mini-phylogenetic trees can be found on subsequent pages (702, 704, 705, etc and
ending on page 880) (20 points)
4) Provide the evolutionary advantage of each trait. (20 points)
• Amniotic eggs
• Bilateral symmetry
• Closed circulatory system
• Coelom
• Deuterostome
• Dorsal tubular nerve cord
• Endoskeleton
• Endothermy
• Exoskeleton
• Feathers
• Four chambered heart
• Gills
• Hair
• Hollow bones
• Jaws
• Limbs
• Lungs
• Mammary glands
• Multicellularity
• Notochord
• Open circulatory system
• Jointed appendages
• Pharyngeal pouch
• Postanal tail
• Psedocoelom
• Radial symmetry
• Scales
• Segmentation
• Swim bladder
• Three chambered heart
• Tissues
• Two-chambered heart
• Vertebral column
Detailed instructions for submitting projects for grading can be found under the Project
Submission link on your online course management homepage. AGE
Project 2
SCIH 026

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