Seasonal Adjusted CPI Year to Year Please find the details on the attached documents. You can put a graph if you need to illustrate the numbers It says

Seasonal Adjusted CPI Year to Year Please find the details on the attached documents.

You can put a graph if you need to illustrate the numbers

It says 3 to 4 pages but my part is only two pages

I’ve calculated the numbers

Just write about them and how I calculated them Seasonal Adjusted CPI Year to Year change:
Jan: 249.245/244.028=1.021379
Feb: 249.619/244.102=1.0226
Mar: 249.462/243.717=1.023572
Apr: 250.013/244.087=1.024278
May: 250.535/243.911=1.027157
June: 250.857/244.032=1.027968
July: 251.286/244.236=1.028866
Aug: 251.846/245.262=1.026845
Sept: 251.994/246.392=1.022736
Oct: 252.827/246.583=1.025322
Nov: 252.876/247.411=1.022089
Dec: 252.733/247.910=1.019455
Forecast Seasonally Adjusted CPI:
Jan: 254.574
Feb: 255.26
Mar: 255.34
Apr: 256.083
May: 257.542
June: 257.873
July: 258.032
Aug: 258.54
Sept: 257.723
Oct: 259.229
Nov: 258.462
Dec: 257.65
Nominal GDP Forecast:
Q1: 1.045844×20041.047=20959.818
Q2: 1.054383×20411.924=21521.979
Q4: 1.044922×20722.714=21653.62
Real GDP Forecast:
Q2: 1.028698×18511.576=19042.822
Q3: 1.030028×18664.973=19225.44
Q4: 18674.196×1.024717=19135.767
GDP Deflator Forecast:
Q1: 20959.818/18796.795=1.115
Q2: 21521.979/19042.822=1.13
Q3: 21786.7797/19225.44=1.133
Q4: 21653.62/19135.767=1.132
Price stability subgroup may study trends in the US inflation rate. A broad measure of inflation is the
change in Implicit Price Deflator of GDP published quarterly by Bureau of Economic Analysis and
available at A better known measure of inflation is
the change in US consumer price index for all urban consumers published by Bureau of Labor Statistics
for each month and available at
Time-series data of monthly seasonally-adjusted US consumer price index for all urban consumers (not its
change) can be found at You must predict the Implicit Price
Deflator of GDP for each quarter until Q4-2019 and change in CPI for each month until December 2019.
Write 3-4 page paper about findings (Include graphs, tables, references) Need a cover
page with all names.

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