Ship Chartering and Brokering discussion Only to answer the three questions, no need to write abstract,introduction and conclusion Instructions 8. Your ans

Ship Chartering and Brokering discussion Only to answer the three questions, no need to write abstract,introduction and conclusion Instructions
Your answer script should be 2200 words in total, ± 10%. You
are required to include your word count on the title page.
10. Question numbers must be clearly shown beside each answer.
References MUST be provided in-text and in a reference list as
per the Harvard 2002 style of referencing. Please also include a Table
of Contents. However, there is NO requirement to include an abstract,
introduction or conclusion with your examination.
Page 1 of 2 Pages
Attempt ALL FOUR (3) questions.
Question 1
The shipowner, who sell their ship, may be requested to provide a ship valuation
certificate. Identify the different parties who would pay for this, and explain the reasons
why they would require such a certificate.
[10 marks]
Question 2
Identify the types and sources of market information, which are available to charterers
and shipowners. With the aid of examples, explain how such information may assist
charterers and shipowners in making their chartering decisions.
[10 marks]
Question 3
Toba shipping company chartered a vessel under a time charter for two years from
COSCO. From the charterer’s perspective, explain the following terms that are commonly
used in charter parties and liner bills of lading:
1. Himalaya Clause
2. Lien
3. Paramount Clause
4. General Average and Salvage
5. Naming of loading and discharging ports
6. The amended Jason Clause
[(2+2+2+2+2+2)=12 marks]
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