Social constructions of Race For history class I need 4 page paper about Social constructions of Race.I upload a file with all the info that you need for t
Social constructions of Race For history class I need 4 page paper about Social constructions of Race.I upload a file with all the info that you need for the assignment.** I want to be done with high school level of writing and free plagiarism. The scholars we have been reading try to persuade us that we should understand race and its
meanings in ways that differ from how most people grow up thinking about race. The scholars
reject that idea that people are simply born into different races, which are distinguishable by
physical and behavioral characteristics. Instead, they focus on how meanings about race are
produced through social interactions that involve the pursuit of power, and they argue that the
meanings of race change over time. For this assignment, I’d like you to consider how you
learned about the meaning of race during your lifetime. What people, institutions, etc.
influenced your perception of your own race and those of others? In other words, how has the
meaning of race been socially constructed for you? As you write your paper, you can identify
things that you learned about race and racialized people that you do not agree with. You are not
accountable for the input you received. Be sure to identify at least three sources of information
that you have encountered concerning race. Include both micro-level (interpersonal experiences)
and macro-level factors (larger, more institutional forces).
Your paper must include the following (but not necessarily in this order):
Analysis of what the three examples you have used collectively taught you. This should
serve as your introduction and should also be summarized in your conclusion.
An explanation of the concept that race is socially constructed.
Quotes from the scholars we have read. These should be fairly short.
Examples of micro-level factors that contributed to your understanding of the concept of
race with analysis of the examples.
At least one, and preferably more than one, macro-level factor with analysis of the
Introduction with analysis
Explanation of the social
construction of race
Quotes from scholars
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Conclusion with analysis
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