STAT350 Data Analysis Assignment using JMP program and 3 sets of data Data sets/JMP Program 1 Number your pages across your entire solutions document. 2. Y
STAT350 Data Analysis Assignment using JMP program and 3 sets of data Data sets/JMP Program 1 Number your pages across your entire solutions document. 2. Your document should include the ANSWERS to the following FOUR questions with each answer labeled by its corresponding number and subpart. Keep the questions in order. Do NOT include the questions in your submitted document. 3. Generate all requested graphs and tables using JMP. Data Analysis Assignment #1
Spring 2019
STAT 350
Your submitted document should include the following items. Points will be deducted if the following are
not included:
1. Type your Name, STAT 350 with your correct section number (e.g. STAT 350-xxx) and Data
Analysis Assignment #1 centered on the top of page 1 of your document.
2. Number your pages across your entire solutions document.
3. Your document should include the ANSWERS ONLY to the following FOUR questions with each
answer labeled by its corresponding number and subpart. Keep the questions in order. Do NOT include
the questions in your submitted document.
4. Generate all requested graphs and tables using JMP.
5. Upload your document onto Blackboard as a Word or pdf document using the link provided by your
instructor in Blackboard.
Elements of good technical writing:
Use complete and coherent sentences to answer the questions.
Graphs must be appropriately titled and should refer to the context of the question.
Graphical displays must include labels with units if appropriate for each axis.
Units should always be included when referring to numerical values.
When making a comparison you must use comparative language, such as “greater than”, “less than”, or
“about the same as.”
Ensure that all graphs and tables appear on one page and are not split across two pages.
Show all mathematical calculations when directed to compute an answer ‘by-hand.’
When writing mathematical expressions into your document you may use either an equation editor or
common shortcuts such as:
x can be written as sqrt(x), p̂ can be written as p-hat, x can be written as
JMP Help:
See page 5 of the posted ‘one page guides’ titled JMP Tools for help in selecting portions of output for
copying and pasting into your assignment document.
All questions will require you to load data sets that are either stored in the JMP library or posted
on the Blackboard course site. To find the sample data in JMP click on the “help” button located at
the top of the page. Select: See an Alphabetical List of all Sample Data Files and open the file
required in the question.
Question 1
Load the Lipid Data data set located in the JMP data library. This data set is collected from a random
sample of graduate students from a university in Northern Virginia.
1a. HDL cholesterol is the “good” cholesterol where higher levels are better. Describe completely the
distribution of the variable HDL (units of measure are milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)) in the context of
the question. Note: use the following instruction in order to obtain summary statistics.
Select Analyze → Distribution from the JMP menu and select the variable HDL (as shown below). Click
1b. Researchers wish to conduct inference on HDL using this random sample of data. Verify that the
condition of Normality has been met by constructing and interpreting a Normal Quantile Plot. To obtain
this plot select the red triangle using your JMP output from part 1a and selecting Normal Quantile Plot
(see also PowerPoint class example). Copy and paste the Normal Quantile Plot into your document and
add your interpretation of this plot.
1c. Use JMP to construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean HDL level. Copy and paste
your JMP output into your document.
1d. Interpret your 95% confidence interval from part 1c.
1e. According to medical experts, HDL levels of 60 mg/dL or higher are considered desirable for adults.
Use your confidence interval to comment on the health of our sample.
Question 2
Load the Lipid Data data set located in the JMP sample data library.
2a. One part of this study involved observing the effect of a new drug designed to reduce LDL levels.
LDL is often referred to as the “bad” cholesterol. Forty-three of these students were assigned to use the
new drug (n=43). Their LDL levels were measured at the beginning and the end of a three-year period.
The researcher will be conducting a matched pairs inference procedure. Explain why this is the
appropriate procedure and list all conditions for inference that must be met.
2b. State the null and alternative hypothesis statements for a test to determine if the new drug reduces
LDL levels (before-after). Remember to define the parameter of interest in this study.
2c. To conduct this test follow the steps below.
Select Analyze → Specialized Modeling →Matched Pairs
Enter LDL-3yrs and LDL (in this order) into the Y paired response. Click OK.
Copy the output into your document.
2d. Use your output from part 2c to comment on the effectiveness of the new drug at the 0.05 level of
significance by 1) identifying the correct p-value and 2) using this value to make a decision regarding
your hypothesis statements from 2b in the context of the question.
2e. Using your result from part 2d, could the researcher have made a Type I or Type II error? What would
be a consequence of this type of error in the context of this question.
Question 3
Load the Memory data set located on the Blackboard course site in the DA #1 folder.
Does taking ginkgo biloba enhance memory? In an experiment, subjects were randomly assigned to take
either a ginkgo biloba pill or a placebo. At the end of the experiment their memory was tested to
determine if their memory had improved or not. Positive scores indicate improvement while negative
scores indicate memory loss.
3a. Construct a boxplot by selecting Graph → Graph Builder. Copy and paste your boxplot into your
document. See detailed instructions at the end of this question on how to construct a boxplot using JMP.
3b. Use your boxplots from part 3a to compare and contrast the distribution of memory improvement
scores for the two groups in the context of the question.
3c. State the null and alternative hypotheses to determine if the ginkgo biloba group’s average memory
improvement scores were different from the placebo group’s average memory improvement scores.
Remember to define all parameters of interest.
3d. Select Analyze → Fit Y by X and enter “Score” as the Y, Response and “Group” as the X, Factor as
shown below. Click OK. Now click on the red triangle
and select Means and StdDev. List the values
for the mean, standard deviation and sample size for both the ginkgo group and the placebo group. Round
the mean and standard deviation values to three decimal places.
3e. Select the same
as in 3d but now select t test. Copy and paste the result of the t-test into your
3f. Use the results from part 3e to make a decision regarding your hypothesis statements from part 3c.
Identify the correct p-value and use this value to make your decision in the context of the question, at the
0.05 level of significance.
********************Constructing a Boxplot in JMP ********************
Click on the picture of
a boxplot to select
this type of graphical
display to be used on
your data set.
Click on “Title” to
add an appropriate
title to the boxplot.
Question 4
Load the Companies data set located in the JMP sample data library. This data is from Fortune 500
companies listed in Forbes magazine in April of 1990.
4a. Select Analyze → Fit Y by X and enter “Profits($M)” as the Y, Response and “Type” as the X,
Factor. Copy and paste the dotplot into your document.
4b. You will notice the high outlier in the computer profit sample. This large outlier was due to the
introduction of a new computing system. For the purpose of this analysis we will remove this unusual
observation. To remove this observation, locate this row in the data table. Now, right-click on the row and
select Hide and Exclude. Now repeat part 4a with this point removed.
4c. State the null and alternative hypotheses to determine if the variability in Profits ($M) differs between
the pharmaceutical and the computer companies. Define the parameters of interest.
4d. Use JMP to conduct this test by clicking on the red triangle and selecting Unequal Variances. Copy
and paste the results for the test into your document.
4e. Select the appropriate p-value from your output in part 4d and use this value to make a decision
concerning your hypotheses in part 4c in the context of the question.
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