Technology and Medical Care week 2 Response , I have 2 of my classmates posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. also, one source at least for

Technology and Medical Care week 2 Response , I have 2 of my classmates posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. also, one source at least for each one of them. don’t write about how good their posts or how bad. all you need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style

this is the first post from FUNAYYIS this is his post need to response:

Information technology (IT) solutions can be used to complement and coordinate the efforts of healthcare professionals in response to catastrophes and other medical exigencies. The Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) is one of the frameworks deployed for this purpose. The California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) sponsors the HICS, which abides by the Incident Command System (ICS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) principles (EMSA, n.d.).For HICS to be effective, the relevant stakeholders need to overcome the challenges and concerns hindering the process by training the personnel involved with the implementation and ensuring their acceptance of the framework.

Operationalizing the HICS is neither an easy nor a straightforward task as hospitals have different resource capabilities. One of the challenges hindering this process is the misconception that the only difference between standard emergency and disaster operations is the number of sick people and the gravity of wounds treated. Another issue is the concern over the practicality of the management structures suggested and those prepared. These obstacles can be overcome by exemplifying the benefits of collaborative operations and designating the HICS to be functionally under the broader “incident manage systems,” which include the ICS (Fottler, Malvey, & Slovensky, 2015). Once the HICS has been implemented, hospital staff such as nurses, doctors, and administrators need to be trained. As McQuillan, Makic, and Whalen (2008) observe, the simulations and scenarios constituting the training should focus on the individual roles. This approach would require the level of training to be different depending on seniority. Evidently, the HICS cannot be a success without organizational acceptance and familiarization with the available features that would help solve the outlined issues in the process.

The HICS can only be effective if the concerned stakeholders are involved in its adoption. The challenges of operational misconceptions and disquiet over the necessity of the proposed and existing management systems are the key issues capable of complicating the process. These hurdles can be overcome by demonstrating the practical need of the HICS and clarifying its designation amongst the healthcare IT systems. To foster the effectiveness of the HICS, healthcare staff need to be given different levels of training based on their rank and medical specialization. Consequently, the HICS can serve the intended purpose unhindered.


California Emergency Medical Services Authority. (n.d.). Hospital incident command system – Welcome! Retrieved from…

Fottler, M. D., Malvey, D., & Slovensky, D. J. (Eds.). (2015). Handbook of healthcare management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

McQuillan, K. A., Makic, M. B. F., & Whalen. E. (2008). Trauma nursing e-book: From resuscitation through rehabilitation (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Health Sciences.

This is the second post from SAMI and this is his post need to response:

The Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) is extremely useful; not only does it provide an organizational structure for incident management but it also guides the process for planning, building, and adapting that structure. Using HICS for every incident or planned event helps hone and maintain skills needed for the large scale incidents. There are some difficulties and challenges can be obstacles for operationalizing HICS such as lack of full understanding of the system components and features and stages of execution, lack of adequate training for staff, lack of strong organizational requirements.

There are some solutions can assist to integrate HICS into hospital operations, including:

-Assign an individual with appropriate authority and respect within the hospital to be in charge of HICS implementation according to an outlined plan.

-Obtain support from the hospital’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and other senior administrators.

-Encourage the recognition that HICS implementation must be a high priority for both administrators and staff.

-Provide financial resources and budgets needed to support emergency management and HICS activities.

-Establish training requirements/competencies that meet established national standards.

-Promote hospital integration into the community-based response.

-Provide training of HICS, in addition to training of the hospital Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).

Training should be done once the HICS materials have been reviewed and accepted for use by the hospital. It involves training the hospital leadership and those who may potentially be assigned to the Hospital Incident Management Team (HIMT). It is commonly recommended to train at least 3 persons for each key HICS’s HIMT position to accommodate longer duration incidents and staff turnover.


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