The Association for Talent Development 1) The website for the Association for Talent Development ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an extern

The Association for Talent Development 1) The website for the Association for Talent Development ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) contains a wealth of information. Visit this website and discuss 2-3 interesting things that you found there.(100+ words)

2) Talent management focuses on having the right individuals ready for the jobs when needed. Does talent management play a role in recruitment and selection? If so, what role(s)?(100+ words)

3) Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training?

4) What training techniques should be implemented to meet the needs of the varied learning styles and maximize the learning potential of the participants?

5) Do you think the issue of global dual-career couples will increase or decrease in the next ten years? Why?

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