The concept of Edge Computing Essay Please write an essay on the topic below. See the attachments for more details.Topic: Edge Computing Overview: Explain
The concept of Edge Computing Essay Please write an essay on the topic below. See the attachments for more details.Topic: Edge Computing Overview: Explain the concept of Edge Computing. Describe the main advantages of Edge and explain how this technology is related to Cloud Computing. Discuss how will organizations mitigate the risks in terms of potential information leakage and misuse. Please ensure you read the requirements and guidelines for this essay in the attachments Topic: Edge Computing
Explain the concept of Edge Computing. Describe the main advantages of Edge and explain how this
technology is related to Cloud Computing. Discuss how will organizations mitigate the risks in terms of
potential information leakage and misuse.
Please ensure you read the requirements and guidelines for this essay!
Include the following critical elements in your essay:
1. Explain the concept of Edge Computing: The speed of data and analysis is essential in many IoT
applications, and is also a key element of transformation and all the other areas moving towards
autonomous and semi-autonomous decisions made by systems and other various controls. Briefly
describe how edge computing works. What are the main elements associated
with edge computing? ( 30 points )
2. Edge vs. Cloud computing: Cloud computing was developed to provide flexibility in that computing and
storage resources can be added or removed, as needed. Recently, a new way to deploy storage and
computing resources has emerged. Briefly explain how Edge computing is related to Cloud computing.
What are the main advantages of implementing Edge computing technology? ( 30 points )
3. Privacy and security on the Edge: Along with the benefits brought by this technology, there are
numerous challenges organizations should take into account, especially with respect to data security
and privacy. How will organizations mitigate the risks in terms of potential information leakage and
misuse, which may compromise privacy of data producers? ( 30 points )
4. Conclusion: Articulation of Response ( 10 points )
Guidelines for Submission:
Using APA 6th edition style standards, submit a Word document that is 3-4 pages in length (excluding title
page, references, and appendices) and include at least two credible scholarly references to support your
1. Please ensure your paper complies APA 6th edition style guidelines.
2. APA basics:
o Your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″)
o Use 1″ margins on all sides, first line of all paragraphs is indented ½” from the margin
o Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font
3.Follow the outline provided above and use section headers to improve the readability of your paper. If I
cannot read and understand it, you will not earn credit for the content.
Course Textbook:
Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture (by Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood and Richardo
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