The Environment and Human Health Discussion Using the materials covered until January 24th, elaborate an analytical essay based on the following questions
The Environment and Human Health Discussion Using the materials covered until January
24th, elaborate an analytical essay based on the
following questions: What were the main
historical processes that shaped the power
dynamics among the people who collided in the
making of Spanish-America, when Columbus
embarked across the Atlantic and during the early
phases of the conquest? How did these power
dynamics create silences? What did surprise you
from what you have learned so far?
Use at least three sources from the
required readings. Go over your notes,
responses and readings to organize your
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on your wayo
Be mindful of the chronology, the actors,
12:18 7
Tips for writing a paper:
Read the prompt carefully and think about
a particular topic you would like to focus
your essay, e.g. religion, slavery, political
expansion, etc.
• Tell the audience about the problem
through a story. With these essays, you are
seeking to persuade an audience (Me)
about your point of view. This requires that
you write an essay using the evidence (the
readings and the lectures) to prove your
point (your overall reflection about the
class content you are discussing in your
• Consider using the PIE Format to organize
your paragraphs and/or thoughts.
P – Point – What is the topic of your
1 – Illustration – Quote/Evidence to
support your claim accurately
E- Explanation – Connect the two.
(Point) In order to successfully pass
History 8, students must present
Satisfactory work and meet all
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