The Tourism Research Paper Guidelines 1. For this research paper you are required to find four articles on the impacts of tourism on a destination. You ar

The Tourism Research Paper Guidelines

1. For this research paper you are required to find four articles on the impacts of tourism on a destination. You are free to choose any destination in the world. You are also free to focus on the socio-cultural and/or environmental impacts of tourism, as well as the planning that occurs to manage these types of impacts. Important: refer to Chapters 11 and 17 in your textbook for more information on these topics.

2. For instance, you could decide to focus on the island nation of Jamaica. Your next step would be to find at least four separate readings on the impacts of tourism on Jamaica. You could focus on tourism’s environmental impacts and/or socio-cultural impacts.

3. Regarding the articles you select for your paper: a) one must be from a scholarly journal; b) one must be from a professional periodical (trade publication); c) the other two can come from any other source (journals, trade publications, books, magazines, newspapers, but NOT your class text)

4. You may use more than 4 articles. If you believe you have found an appropriate scholarly journal or professional periodical that is not on the list provided below, email me the link to the file and I will review your request on a case-by-case basis.

5. Your paper should be at least 7 pages in length (9 pages with a title page and works cited page).

6. I strongly urge you to select articles that are thought provoking AND related in interesting ways. This way, you can consider them taken as a whole—what did you learn from them as a group rather than individually.

7. Please save your file as First Name_Last Name (example: john_doe.doc)

8. The paper (and bibliographic citations) should adhere to either the MLA or APA style of writing.
To continue the example above, if you are focusing your paper on the impacts of tourism on Jamaica, you might select one article from the Journal of Travel Research, one article from Travel Weekly, one article from a newspaper, and one article from a magazine like Travel Holiday. Appropriate scholarly journals and professional periodicals are listed below. Your scholarly journal and professional periodical should be selected from the following:

Scholarly journals to choose from:

Annals of Tourism Research
Journal of Travel Research
Tourism Management
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing Journal of Leisure Research The Tourist Review

Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Journal of Tourism Studies
Leisure Sciences
Journal of Park and Rec. Administration Festival Management & Event Tourism International Journal of Hospitality Mgmt.

Recommended professional periodicals:

Travel Weekly
Travel Agent
Hotel and Motel Management
Resort and Hotel Management
Travel News
ASTA Agency Management
Parks & Recreation
Meetings and Conventions
Amusement Business
Special Events
Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly

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