THEO 260 Virtue Community and the Good Life I have attached the instructions and the questions pleas answer each question separately it does requires rea

THEO 260 Virtue Community and the Good Life I have attached the instructions and the questions

pleas answer each question separately

it does requires reading to answer them

I’ve highlighted the reading pages and the questions

I could provide you with copy of the book

Pleas take a look at the attached files REQUIRED TEXTS • Stiltner, Brian. Toward Thriving Communities: Virtue Ethics As Social
Ethics. 2016. • Marino, Gordon Daniel. Ethics: The Essential Writings. New York: Modern
Library, 2010. • Other PDF’s will be posted on Moodle.
1/17 – Unit I: Virtue, Community, and the Good Life
Topic: The nature of ethics and the good life Reading and Discussion:
Ethics: The Essential Writings, Plato, 6–42. Due: Critical Report 1 Writing prompt: Is what is
good inherently good independent of God, or is the good only good because God declares it to be
1/22 – Unit I: Virtue, Community, and the Good Life Topic: Paths toward the good life Reading
and Discussion: Toward Thriving Communities, 19–42. Due: Critical Report 2 Writing prompt:
Which approach to ethics is most appealing to you at this moment? Why? What is a strength and
a weakness of the approach?
1/24 – Unit I: Virtue, Community, and the Good Life Topic: Deontology, utilitarianism, and the
good life Reading and Discussion: Ethics: The Essential Writings, Kant, 203–224; John Stuart
Mill, 228– 232. Due: Critical Report 3 Writing prompt: Are Kant’s categorical imperatives
sufficient for determining what is ethical?
1/29 – Unit I: Virtue, Community, and the Good Life Topic: Virtue and the good life Reading
and Discussion: Toward Thriving Communities, 45–69. Due: Critical Report 4 Writing prompt:
Which virtue(s) are a strength in your own life/practice and which do you struggle with?
1/31 – Unit I: Virtue, Community, and the Good Life Topic: Aristotle and Aquinas on justice and
the good life Reading and Discussion: Ethics: The Essential Writings, Aristotle, 66–84; Aquinas
122–133. Due: Critical Report 5 Writing prompt: How could you follow Aristotle and apply his
philosophy to build some habits to develop your moral life?
Reading and Discussion: Toward Thriving Communities, 72–100. Due: Critical Report 6 Writing
prompt: Is human flourishing something you have the freedom to control and actualize? Or is
flourishing beyond individual control?
* Yancey Productions is a X
th Course: CORE260: Chri X
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Weight: 25%
Length: Reports: 250—500 words; Questions 3–5 discussion questions (at least one per text/film).
Due: See course schedule, submit on Moodle before the class for which the reading is assigned
Throughout the course you are required to submit reading reports or questions for fifteen of the
readings/films. The reports will be submitted via Moodle, before class convenes, on the reading/film
required for that day’s class. Follow the prompt in the course schedule for instructions. Reading
reports for the first half of the class have accompanying prompts to discuss in light of the reading.
In the second half, you must simply provide questions for each text/film that could inspire class
discussion. These reports provide accountability for reading/viewing and ensure we are able to have
critical discussions in class while giving you credit for the preparatory work done for each class.
Assessment of critical reports and questions:
Insofar as you provide a clear and coherent response to the prompts and demonstrate knowledge of
the reading or authentic questions that arise from clear engagement with the text, you will receive
full credit.
2 points/2% of the final grade for reports;
1 point/1% of the final grade for questions.
Shallow or rushed reports that do not seriously engage the reading and demonstrate
critical thought will receive deductions from 5 to 1.5 points.
o The
The purpose of the assignments is to ensure you are prepared for class and to enrich
our discussions. As such, if you miss the deadline you will not be given a chance to
make up the work without a clear, legitimate, and documented excuse.

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