TRVL 4011 Term 2 and 3 Projects There are two parts of project and I choose Shanghai as the destination. One is to rate DMO Website and another one is to c
TRVL 4011 Term 2 and 3 Projects There are two parts of project and I choose Shanghai as the destination. One is to rate DMO Website and another one is to create a tourism plan. 1. Term Project 2(Shanghai DMO Website)
a) A critical touch point for any DMO is their website and social media channels. With travelers becoming
more and more tech savvy every day it is crucial for the DMO to remain on the forefront of technology and
meet the traveler where they are browsing. Additionally, online resources offer DMO Leadership the best
bang for their buck as these channels are high impact and budget friendly.
b) For the second part of your term project, you will be analyzing and critiquing your DMO’s current online
presence by completing the following:
Complete a thorough SWOT analysis for your destination from the perspective of Tourism
Management – consider the destination’s brand, accessibility, infrastructure, competition, unique features,
costs, and perception of travelers. (25 Points)
Analyze your destination’s place brand – What is it? (think, Creative Capital, I Love NY, What happens
in Vegas, etc.) What place brand messaging is your DMO focusing on? How is the DMO embracing this brand
in their current marketing initiatives? In your opinion, is your DMO’s marketing initiatives concurrent with
the destinations brand? (35 Points)
Critique your DMO’s website by analyzing each of the following DMO standards discussed in class.
Rank your DMO’s web presence on a scale of 1-10 in the following categories:
Website Design
d) 2)
e) 3)
Customer Relationship Management – CRM
f) 4)
Technical Compatibility (bells & whistles, cool stuff, etc.)
g) 5)
Search Engine Compliance (where does the site rank using common search terms on popular
search engines)
h) 6)
Third Party Technologies (are there any obvious strategic partners? If so, which ones?)
i) 7)
Destination Social Media Presence (What sites are they on? How are they using them? What
are they doing that is unique / outstanding? Are they interacting with potential visitors? Analyze the purposed
for each site.)
j) Based on your analysis, make 3 suggestions on how your DMO could better utilize resources online (both
website & social media) to better connect with their customer. (40 Points)
2. Term Project 3
a) In this final section of your term project you will be taking on the role of DMO President & CEO for your
destination. You’re DMO just received a $1,000,000 grant from the Federal Government to invest in tourism
initiatives that create a sustainable tourism product within your location. In order to thoughtfully allocate
these funds, you will need to follow the steps below and create a tourism plan for the destination:
b) Create a Situational Analysis providing research on economic conditions, community feelings about
tourism, current tourism infrastructure, attractions, and resources
c) Develop 3 possible opportunities in which to develop tourism within your destination
d) Complete a cost/benefit analysis and Pros & Cons list for each
e) Select one of the 3 initiatives and generate a specific and fully developed recommendation for
consideration by the Board of Directors
f) This section should cover the following elements: Public Relations, promotion or marketing campaigns,
estimated revenue growth expectations, estimated employment opportunities, environmental sustainability
impact, preservation of social & cultural heritage)
g) Create a Presentation for your Tourism Plan – this presentation is your opportunity to explain your ideas
to the audience and win their buy-in for the initiative. Presentations should address the following:
The need for a new tourism plan
i) b.
The audience targeted by this plan
j) c.
How this plan will support the current tourism community within the destination?
k) d.
The impact that your plan will have on the economy
l) e.
How this plan fits into the destination’s current brand image
n) *This is your opportunity to be creative! Visuals, handouts, slide decks, themed attire, social media
mock-ups, sample ads / flyers, sample live events, etc. are all highly encouraged!!
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