University of Michigan Calculus Problems Worksheet Must reflect your understanding of the material.Please see the Document attach (Math 1.docx) for informa

University of Michigan Calculus Problems Worksheet Must reflect your understanding of the material.Please see the Document attach (Math 1.docx) for information about this work, you Must go through and over it. You Must include the screen photos or drawings as directed and needed. please provide doc file or any other file that you used to show your work on and here.Complete and show the break down of work to reflect the understanding neededThank you Written Homework :
• The formal write-up goes beyond showing your work. Our expectations for your writing are just as
high as those held in your humanities courses.
Here is an introductory guide to mathematical writing, complete with videos and a tutorial
( . The overall idea is that a classmate
should be able to read your work and
– Identify the problem you are attempting to solve
– Follow the step by step process you used to solve the problem
– see the practical significance of your answer (for applied problems in particular), and
– (most importantly) understand the reasoning behind your approach to the problem
These standards may be higher than what you are used to for mathematical writing, but you can achieve
• Resources you may use on this assignment include your textbook, worksheets/notes from class, group
members, the math tutoring center, and your professor. If you use additional resources, like a book or
an article, you should document this properly in your write-up.
Your intuition about real numbers should be enough to guide you through this part. If you feel uncertain
about some of the claims you are making, skim through the first chapter of How We Got from There to
Here: A Story of Real Analysis, Theorem 3 in particular. Click here for a link to download the pdf of this
text for free (

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