Violent Crime on the Rise Essay and Annotation Annotate and summarize this Essay.. Write a summary and introduction about this article.. “Violent Crime on
Violent Crime on the Rise Essay and Annotation Annotate and summarize this Essay.. Write a summary and introduction about this article.. “Violent Crime on the Rise” ESLINTG 100
Summary Exercise #1: Article
“Violent Crime on the Rise”
By Thomas Campbell
Detroit Today
Homicides cause the deaths of more children in Washington, D.C. than any other single
type of injury, including car accidents, house fires or drowning. Unfortunately, this is not an
exclusive phenomenon of Washington. The overcrowded neighborhoods of many big American
cities, such as New York, Detroit, Miami, Chicago, and Los Angeles, are all plagued with
senseless violent crime. Types of violent crime range from arson and burglary to assault, rape,
and murder. The solution to this growing problem is not to build more and bigger prisons, but
rather to examine and deal with the causes: easy access to guns, constant craving for drugs, and
overwhelming poverty.
An obvious trigger to violence is easy access to guns and firearms. Handguns are by far
the most common murder weapon, accounting for 13,352 murders in the United States last year.
Since almost anyone in the U.S. can buy a gun, the number of violent crimes involving guns is
very high and continues to grow. For example, murders involving guns in New York City are
more than thirty times what they were a half a century ago. In 1995 alone, there were 1,946
murders involving guns in New York City.
Drugs are also responsible for much of the violent crime that plagues American cities.
Most inner-city crimes are drug related in some way. Many violent crimes involve drug buyers
and sellers who are fighting. Others are committed by people acting under the influence of
drugs, or thieves looking for money to buy drugs. Still other violent crimes are the result of
territorial disputes between drug dealers.
Blanchard & Root: Ready to Write More
Summary Exercise #1: Article
In addition to the prevalence of guns and drugs in the large urban areas of the U.S., the
overwhelming poverty that afflicts many residents has a direct link to the amount of crime. No
matter what the causes of poverty, the effect is always the same: people lack the basic necessities
such as adequate nutrition, housing, education and medical care. As feelings of helplessness and
frustration turn into anger, violent crime can become an increasingly serious problem for society.
People commit violent crimes for many different reasons. The question is, how can we
as a society deal with this problem? Many experts feel that punishment is the best way to deter
crime. Others feel that the best way to reduce crime is to rehabilitate criminals. Because
criminals vary greatly in the kind of crimes they commit, their emotional stability, and their
socioeconomic backgrounds, there probably is no one best way to solve the problem of violent
crime. It is obvious, however, that education, stricter gun laws, and tighter controls on drugs
would help reduce violent crime.
Blanchard & Root: Ready to Write More
Summary Rubric
/ 15
If possible, clearly states the main ideas:
Includes only the main ideas (no minor points)
Writer uses his/her own words and does not include any personal thoughts or
opinions about the topic
Topic sentence (author, title of article and source; main point of the article)
Concluding Sentence (sums up any conclusions the author made about the article)
Transitions are used to help in understanding
Correct paragraphing (indenting, double-spacing, correct margins, fonts/font size)
/ 10
Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation are used.
Total Score _________ / 50
Hanks, rvsd 1/17; 2012. Revised, SR
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