Visual Thinking Strategies The link for the video from the image are linked below:First video: video: htt

Visual Thinking Strategies The link for the video from the image are linked below:First video: video: First, watch these videos (CC available in the close caption
link on the left navigation bar):
(Keep in mind that with the first video, though the focus is
on children, this technique is good for any age, including
Embedded Video Player: Visual Thinking Strategies
Visual Thinking Strategies
User: n/a – Added: 8/18/08 YouTube URL: http://
Embedded Video Player: Visual Thinking Strategies
Visual Thinking Strategies
User: n/a – Added: 1/30/13 YouTube URL: http://
Essay: Write an essay of at least 300 words of original (your
words) quality writing that answers these questions:
Paragraph 1: Respond to at least one specific key point
from the first video, explaining why you feel it is important.
Paragraph 2: Explain who the audience participants are in
the 2nd video and how their viewing of artwork and use of
Visual Thinking Strategy (VTS) benefit their learning and
their careers. Paragraph 3: Explain how the VTS technique
compares to your learning experiences in courses you have
taken. Give at least one specific example. Paragraph 4:
Explain how you could apply this type of technique to other
subjects you are studying. Give at least one specific

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