Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis Assignment Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis Instructions For this assignment, you will analyze the major point
Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis Assignment Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis Instructions For this assignment, you will analyze the major points of George Washington’s “Farewell Address” (link at bottom) and write a 3-page analysis, considering contemporary government and including differing points of view. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document (Attached). Your analysis must adhere to the following specifications: No more than 3 double-spaced pages (12-point font with 1-inch margins). Must include a title page (not counted in total page number) that contains: A title, Your name, Your section (GOVT 200-S02), Your instructor’s name, and The date the assignment is due (all single-spaced in the footer of the cover page). No page number is necessary for the cover page or for the first page in the body of the paperhttp://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/washing.as… GOVT 200 GEORGE WASHINGTON FAREWELL ADDRESS ANALYSIS PAPER RUBRIC
(175 points)
Content 122.5
Levels of Achievement
Advanced (90-100%)
110-122.5 points
85.5-109.5 points
Developing (1-69%)
Not present
1-85 points
0 points
An appropriate topic is chosen.
Some specifics are provided as
part of the analysis. However,
some key points of analysis are
missing throughout the
The topic is unclear or fairly clear but
discussed too broadly or does not
meet expectations. Multiple points of
key analysis are missing from the
No present.
Proficient (70-89%)
Developing (1-69%)
Not present
14.5-18 points
1-14 points
0 points
Proper headings are used.
No grammar, spelling, or
punctuation errors are
present. Voice and person are
used correctly and
consistently. Writing is
precise. Word choice is
Proper headings are used for the
most part. Few grammar,
spelling, or punctuation errors
are present. Voice and person
are used correctly. Writing style
is sufficient. Word choice is
Proper headings are not used. Several
grammar, spelling, or punctuation
errors are present. Voice and person
are used inconsistently. Writing style
is understandable but could be
improved. Word choice is generally
Not present.
18-20 points
14-17.5 points
1-13.5 points
0 points
• There is a clear thesis
• Student’s topic is addressed
• The introduction provides a
clear overview of the paper’s
• The issues or themes raised
in the introduction are
properly treated
• Differing viewpoints are
considered, analyzed, and
• The analysis is thorough
• The transitions between
paragraphs and sections are
• The treatment of the topic is
logically oriented
• The conclusion offesr a
good summary of issues or
themes treated in the paper
• The conclusion offers
suggestions for or encourages
further study
Structure 52.5 Advanced (90-100%)
18.5-20.5 points
CSG Format
Proficient (70-89%)
Not present.
Citations and format are in
accordance with the Course
Style Guidelines. Cover page
and Bibliography are
correctly formatted.
Citations and format are in
accordance with the Course
Style Guidelines with few
errors. Cover page and
Bibliography are present with
few errors.
Citations and format are in
accordance with the Course Style
Guidelinesthough several errors are
present. Cover page and Bibliography
are included though several errors are
11-12 points
8.5-10.5 points
1-8 points
0 points
Contains 2-3 full pages, is
double-spaced, and has 1-inch
Advanced 157.5-175
Contains 2-3 full pages but it
not double-spaced, or has 1inch margins.
Proficient 122.5-157
Does not meet required length. Does
not meet basic requirements for
Developing 1-122
Not present.
Not present
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