What’s In A Package Credit Card Barbie Advertisement Discussions for this one, just pick one question to answer For Credit Card Barbie: 1. What is the prod
What’s In A Package Credit Card Barbie Advertisement Discussions for this one, just pick one question to answer For Credit Card Barbie:
1. What is the product advertised here?
2. Why might this ad be appealing to kids? Does age or gender make a
difference here? How so?
3. What is the connotative meaning of this ad? What does its existence
suggest to you about the values, ideals, desires, and fears of the society that
created it?
4. Even though the audience of the product is children, the audience of the ad
may not be (after all, the kids may not be the ones paying for the toy). How
might this affect the advertisers’ strategy?
For “What’s in a package”:
Questions 1-5 on page 112
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