Why America Should Provide Universal Health Care? Using the template below, in a word document create an outline for a research paper. *Topic is filled in

Why America Should Provide Universal Health Care? Using the template below, in a word document create an outline for a research paper.

*Topic is filled in below

Topic: ____Health Care___________________

Focus question: ___Should the United States government provide promotive, preventative, curative, rehabilitative and pallative (Universal) health coverage____________

Thesis: ____Yes, I believe the government should provide promotive, preventative, curative, rehabilitative and pallative health coverage__________________

I. Major topic:

A. Major subtopic:

B. Major subtopic

1. Major detail

2. Major detail

a. Minor detail

b. Minor detail

II. Major topic

A. Major subtopic

1. Major detail

2. Major detail

a. Minor detail

b. Minor detail

B. Major Subtopic

Each Roman numeral designates a major topic/reason in your body paragraphs. As you cover more detail, you designate added subtopics and details by the appropriate number/letter and indentation. Note: You must have at least two (2) subtopics and/or details under a major topic above them.

Final note: Outlines are for the body paragraphs only and do not include introductions or conclusions. Remember, too, to include your counter argument and rebuttal in your outline.

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