Write an article on Whatsapp deleting accounts to stop fake news Writing 350-500 word article about WhatsApp ‘deleting 2m accounts a month’ to stop fake ne

Write an article on Whatsapp deleting accounts to stop fake news Writing 350-500 word article about WhatsApp ‘deleting 2m accounts a month’ to stop fake news.Use the link below for help if you need and follow the rubric posted.Must have a picture on top of the article https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/feb/06/whatsapp-deleting-two-million-accounts-per-month-to-stop-fake-news Total Points: 20/article
(20 x 3 = 60pts. For all 3 articles)
Note: Point deductions will incur every week day that the article is late.
4: Exemplary
3: Good
2: Average
1: V. Poor
Proper Formatting
Article has a
headline that
captures the reader’s
attention and
accurately describes
the content,
hyperlinks at least 3
other news articles
which are clear and
supportive of the
Article has a
headline that
accurately describes
the content, sources
only 2 sources, or
information. Issues
with hyperlinking.
Article has a
headline that does
not describe the
content. Article
links only one
source, OR
irrelevant and
Improper hyperlink.
The article is
missing headline.
The article neither
has outside sources,
nor any hyperlinks.
Author has sent in
the article before
their Friday due
date for at least 1
round of edits by
the editors.

Author has not
turned in their
article for at least 1
round of edit. Their
first draft is their
final draft.
Who, What, When,
Where & How
Article adequately
addresses the 5 W’s
(who, what, when,
where and how).
The article is
missing one of the 5
The article is
missing 2 of the 5
The article is
missing 3 or more
of the 5 W’s.
Development and
Level of Content
(Original Angle)
Main points well
developed with high
quality and quantity
support. Reveals
high degree of
critical thinking.
The article presents
an original take on
the subject.
Main points well
developed with
quality supporting
details and quantity.
Critical thinking is
weaved into points.
Main points are
present with limited
detail and
development. Some
critical thinking is
Main points lack
development. Ideas
are vague with little
evidence of critical
The article is a copy
of another existing
article. There is no
original angle on
the subject.
Spelling and
Article is free of
distracting spelling,
punctuation, and
grammatical errors;
absent of fragments,
comma splices, and
Article has few
punctuation, and
grammatical errors
allowing reader to
follow ideas clearly.
Very few fragments
or run-ons.
Most spelling,
punctuation, and
grammar correct
allowing reader to
progress though
essay. Some errors
punctuation, and
grammatical errors
create distraction,
making reading
difficult; fragments,
comma splices,
run-ons evident.
Errors are frequent.

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