8 Dimensions of Wellness Survey Please read the information provided and complete “wellness survey.docx” 8 DIMENSIONS OF WELLNESS http://www.unh.edu/health

8 Dimensions of Wellness Survey Please read the information provided and complete “wellness survey.docx” 8 DIMENSIONS OF WELLNESS
Wellness: In Eight Dimensions1
Wellness involves being aware of ourselves as whole people, including a sense of balance and
comfort. It is a sense that things are going well for us today, and can continue to go well for us
tomorrow. It is a sense that we have meaningful relationships and a sense of meaning and
purpose. Although we may have setbacks, or experience stress we are resilient, have strength,
material resources, and the support of others to survive and thrive.
Stress, addictions, illness, and traumatic experiences impact wellness and balance. At the
Institute, we believe that helping people improve their personal wellness, as they define it, is
Wellness incorporates all of the eight dimensions shown on the cover and back of this booklet.
Each dimension of wellness can affect our overall quality of life, because wellness directly
relates to how long we live (longevity) and how well we live (quality of life).
When we look at the eight-dimension model, our attention is drawn to the idea that all eight
dimensions are connected. We all know how much they are connected in our lives. When we
feel financially stressed (e.g., debt building), we experience anxiety (emotional), sometimes
leading to medical problems (physical), our effectiveness at work falls off (occupational), and we
may even question our own meaning and purpose in life (spiritual). When we are not working
(occupational), we lose some of our opportunities to interact with others (social), cannot get the
quality foods and medical care we need to stay well (physical), and may need to move to a
place that feels less safe and secure (environmental).
Stress, addiction, trauma, disappointment, and loss can impact our wellness and the balance in
our lives. It seems important to balance work with play and rest, to balance time out for
recuperation and recovery with living our lives fully and productively, and to balance the desire
for rapid change with the known effectiveness of slow changes to build good habits.
Habits are key for wellness. Our habits affect what we do, how we feel, how we work, how we
fuel our mind and body and how we spend or save money. Habits become ingrained, and we
have to work consciously to maintain or establish good habits that contribute to our wellness,
our valued roles, and our personal goals. Some habits (excessive alcohol, harmful drugs or
chemicals, consumption of energy drinks, sugar and fat laden foods) can have immediate or
long term negative effects on our physical, mental, and social well-being.
Another part of wellness is our valued roles such as friend, worker, volunteer, student,
colleague, parent, spouse and community member. These roles provide an identity, drive our
daily activities, and ignite our passions.
Wellness involves a sense of empowerment. Each day we wake up we can make choices.
Empowerment goes hand-in-hand with taking personal responsibility for our day to day choices
and our lives.
We hope this guide will help you think about your own wellness—what you already do now (your
daily routines, habits, and valued life roles and activities), what else you can do or can learn to
do, and what type of supports you need to focus on your wellness and balance.
One of the things many people find helpful is to look at their own wellness in each dimension.
For each of the eight dimensions that follow, record your strengths and areas you may want to
1 www.welltacc.org
Peggy Swarbrick and Jay Yudof
© May, 2013-rev Collaborative Support Programs of NJ, Inc.
change, improve or do better. This wellness booklet can offer some insights to determine things
you are doing well and things you may want to start or stop doing.
Please use this booklet yourself or share with co-workers or support group members so you can
review, share, and grow together. We hope this is helpful.
We wish you a successful wellness journey!
Wellness is not the absence of disease, illness, and stress but the presence of:
• Purpose in life
• Active involvement in satisfying work and play
• Joyful relationships
• A healthy body and living environment
• Happiness
Dunn, H.L. (1961). High-Level Wellness, Beatty Press: Arlington, VA
Wellness is a conscious, deliberate process that requires being aware of and
making choices for a more satisfying lifestyle.*
A wellness lifestyle includes a self-defined balance of health habits such as
sleep and rest, eating well, productivity, participation in meaningful activity,
contact, with supporters.* Wellness is multi-dimensional (physical, spiritual social,
emotional intellectual, occupational, environmental, and financial).
*Swarbrick, M. (2006). A wellness approach. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 29, (4) 311- 314.
Swarbrick, M. (March 1997). A wellness model for clients. Mental Health Special Interest Section Quarterly,
20, 1-4.
8 dimensions of wellness survey
1. Please Complete the wellness assessment below
a. This includes sections titled strengths and things I would like to do as well
as the Self Assessments
2. Save work to help you with your final project
Answer the following questions.
3. In your own words define wellbeing.
4. Discuss the interconnected nature of the 8 dimensions of wellbeing.
a. Include 3 real life examples of how you have recognized or experienced the
intersecting of these dimensions.
b. See below for one example of how these dimensions are interconnected
i. I live in an unsafe neighborhood (environmental) therefore I find it
difficult to get outside to perform adequate physical activity (physical)
and I scored low in many of the areas we assessed in class.
***Please put your written responses in BOLD, ITALICS or Underline
Physical Wellness involves the maintenance of a healthy body, good physical health
habits, good nutrition and exercise, and obtaining appropriate health care.
Strengths (the things I do well – my daily routines, habits, and valued life activities that build
and maintain my physical wellness).
Physical Wellness Self-Assessment1 Almost always = 2 points
Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point
Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ I exercise aerobically (vigorous, continuous exercise) for 20 to 30 minutes at least
three times per week.
2. ___ I eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains every day.
3. ___ I avoid tobacco products.
4. ___ I wear a seat belt while riding in and driving a car.
5. ___ I avoid drinking caffeinated and sugary beverages.
6. ___ I get an adequate amount of sleep.
7. ___ I maintain a regular schedule of immunizations, physicals,
dental checkups and self-exams.
8. ___ I maintain a reasonable weight.
9. ___ I brush my teeth at least twice daily, and floss at least
once daily.
10. ___ I have things I can do to deal with stress.
Selected items adapted from http://definitionofwellness.com/dimensions-of- wellness/physical-wellness.html
Physical Wellness- things I would like to do
Intellectual Wellness involves lifelong learning, application of knowledge learned, and
sharing knowledge.
Strengths (the things I do well – my daily routines, habits, and valued life activities that build
and maintain my intellectual wellness).
Intellectual Wellness Self-Assessment2 Almost always = 2 points
Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point
Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ I am interested in learning new things.
2. ___ I try to keep abreast of current affairs—locally, nationally,
and internationally.
3. ___ I enjoy attending lectures, plays, musical performances,
and museums.
4. ___ I enjoy creative and stimulating mental activities/games.
5. ___ I am happy with the amount and variety of things that I
read (newspaper, internet local bookstore or library).
6. ___ I make an effort to improve my skills and use my gifts.
7. ___ I am able to analyze situations and see more than one
side of an issue.
8. ___ I enjoy engaging in intellectual discussions.
Selected items adapted from www.definitionofwellness.com/dimensions-of- wellness/intellectual-wellness.html
Intellectual Wellness- things I would like to do
Environmental Wellness involves being and feeling physically safe, in safe and clean
surroundings, and being able to access clean air, food, and water. Includes both our microenvironment (the places where we live, learn, work, etc.) and our macro-environment (our
communities, country, and whole planet).
Strengths (the things I do well – my daily routines, habits, and valued life activities that build
and maintain my environmental wellness).
Environmental Wellness Self-Assessment
Almost always = 2 points Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ I regularly clean my living and work environment.
2. ___ I make maximal use of natural light, fresh air, and live plants.
3. ___ I discard garbage regularly, clean spoiled foods out of the
refrigerator, and stay on top of any pet odors.
4. ___ I clean my room (house or office) in order to prevent clutter
and stay organized.
5. ___ I conserve energy (fuel, electricity, water, etc.) in my home,
my car, and elsewhere.
6. ___ I recycle (glass, paper, plastic, etc.).
7. ___ I do not litter.
8. ___ I purchase recycled items when possible.
9. ___ I set aside time to enjoy nature.
10. ___ I set aside time to reflect and/or practice mindfulness.
Environmental Wellness- things I would like to do
Spiritual Wellness involves having meaning and purpose and a sense of balance and
Strengths (the things I do well – my daily routines, habits, and valued life activities that build
and maintain my spiritual wellness).
Spiritual Wellness Self-Assessment3 Almost always = 2 points
Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point
Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ There is a direct relationship between my personal values and daily actions.
2. ___ When I get depressed or frustrated, my beliefs and values give me direction.
3. ___ Prayer, meditation, and/or quiet personal reflection is/are important in my life.
4. ___ Life is meaningful for me, and I feel a purpose in life.
5. ___ I am understanding of and try to learn about others’ beliefs
and values, especially those different from my own.
6. ___ I have a strong sense of optimism.
7. ___ I use my thoughts and attitudes in life-affirming ways.
8. ___ I appreciate the natural forces that exist in the universe.
Selected items adapted from www.definitionofwellness.com/dimensions-of- wellness/spiritual-wellness.html
Spiritual Wellness- things I would like to do
Social Wellness involves having relationships with friends, family, and the community, and
having an interest in and concern for the needs of others and humankind.
Strengths (the things I do well – my daily routines, habits, and valued life activities that help
me build and maintain my social wellness).
Social Wellness Self-Assessment4 Almost always = 2 points
Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point
Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ I have a network of friends and/or family.
2. ___ I contribute time and/or money to social and community
projects or causes.
3. ___ I regularly spend time with people I like.
4. ___ I am interested in others, including those with
backgrounds that are different from my own.
5. ___ I balance my own needs with the needs of others.
6. ___ I communicate with and get along with a wide variety of
7. ___ I am a compassionate person and try to help others when
I can.
8. ___ I have a sense of belonging within my community.
Selected items adapted from www.definitionofwellness.com/dimensions-of- wellness/social-wellness.html
Social Wellness- things I would like to do
Emotional Wellness involves the ability to express feelings, enjoy life, adjust to
emotional challenges, and cope with stress and traumatic life experiences.
Strengths (the things I do well – my daily routines, habits, and valued life activities to build
and maintain my emotional wellness).
Emotional Wellness Self-Assessment
Almost always = 2 points Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ I accept responsibility for my actions.
2. ___ I see challenges and change as opportunities for growth.
3. ___ I feel as if I have considerable control over my life.
4. ___ I am able to laugh at life and myself.
5. ___ I feel good about myself.
6. ___ I am able to appropriately cope with stress and tension.
7. ___ I make time for leisure pursuits.
8. ___ I am able to recognize my personal shortcomings and
learn from my mistakes.
9. ___ I am able to recognize and express my feelings.
10. ___ I enjoy each day.
Emotional Wellness- things I would like to do
Financial Wellness involves the ability to have financial resources to meet practical
needs, and a sense of control and knowledge about personal finances.
Strengths (things I do well – your daily routines, habits, and valued life activities that build
and maintain my financial wellness).
Financial Wellness Self-Assessment
Almost always = 2 points Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ I have a good handle on my financial status.
2. ___ I have money on hand to meet current expenses (e.g.,
groceries, transportation, etc).
3. ___ I understand the issues of balancing wants and needs, saving and
4. ___ I balance my checkbook and audit my credit card statements.
5. ___ I have money on hand or available credit to deal with moderate unexpected life expenses
6. ___ I pay my bills and file my taxes on time, and rarely or never get overdue notices, over limit
fees, bounced check notices, or the like.
7. ___ I check my credit reports at least once a year.
8. ___ My savings are on track with my life goals, such as home
ownership, educating my children, or retirement.
9. ___ I do not worry about money.
10. ___ I have people I can turn to for good help with financial matters.
For instance, a car breakdown, a broken pair of glasses, an Emergency Department visit, the refrigerator needs to be replaced, or
an emergency trip to help an out-of-town relative.
Financial Wellness things I would like to do
Occupational Wellness involves participating in activities that provide meaning and
purpose, including employment.
Strengths (things I do well – my daily routines, habits, and valued life activities that build or
maintain my occupational wellness).
Occupational Wellness Self-Assessment
Select and complete 1 of the 3 Self-Assessments, depending on whether you are currently employed, looking for
work, or not working.
Currently Employed
Almost always = 2 points Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ I am happy with my career choice.
2. ___ I look forward to work.
3. ___ My job responsibilities/duties are consistent with my values.
4. ___ The payoffs/advantages in my choice of career/field are
consistent with my values.
5. ___ I am happy with the balance between my work time and my
leisure time.
6. ___ I am happy with the amount of control I have in my work.
7. ___ My work gives me personal satisfaction and stimulation.
8. ___ I am happy with the professional/personal growth provided by
my job.
9. ___ My job allows me to contribute my talents.
Looking for Work, whether to Enter or Return to the Workforce or to Increase
Work Hours
Almost always = 2 points
Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point
Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ I am actively pursuing work and/or training.
2. ___ I have considered my options regarding career change,
additional education, self-employment, etc.
3. ___ I am pursuing an organized job search, keep good records, and do
something towards my job search every day.
4. ___ I use online resources to look for work, update skills, and network
with others regarding my job search.
5. ___ I assertively market myself through personal networking.
6. ___ I have reached out to former colleagues, teachers, and resources
associated with my field, school, and/or professional group.
7. ___ I am aware of general community resources for people seeking work.
8. ___ I use my time productively to maintain my skills, support my
community, etc.
9. ___ I am hopeful in my job search.
Not Working, whether due to Retirement, being a Full-Time Student, Family
Caregiving Responsibilities, or Choice Almost always = 2 points
Sometimes/occasionally = 1 point
Very seldom = 0 points
1. ___ I am happy with how I spend my time.
2. ___ I do things with other people often enough not to feel isolated.
3. ___ I use my time in a way that gives me meaning and purpose.
4. ___ I make good use of my strengths and experiences in the things I am
doing each week.
5. ___ My weekly activities are consistent with my values and interests.
6. ___ I control how I spend my time.
7. ___ I volunteer in the community, or have considered volunteering.
8. ___ I feel productive every week.
9. ___ I look forward to my daily and weekly activities.
Occupational Wellness- things I would like to do

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