BCJ2501 Columbia Southern Drug Legalization Juvenile Justice Discussion Discussion Board Question BCJ 2501VII There are many arguments in favor of drug le

BCJ2501 Columbia Southern Drug Legalization Juvenile Justice Discussion Discussion Board Question BCJ 2501VII

There are many arguments in favor of drug legalization and just as many in favor of keeping strict legal control over mind-altering substances. Some, for example, say that in a free society, people should be permitted to do what they want as long as they do not harm others. Others say that drug use causes many personal and social problems. Are you in favor of drug legalization or decriminalization? Or, would you prefer to keep today’s drug laws or make them even tougher? Explain your answer.

My classmate wrote this and I have to comment on it BCJ 2501:

The medical information now available about the effect drugs have on the body (Bing Search)and society is staggering and lends itself to support keeping the current laws or making them more strict.

I tend to agree, however, with the thinking that recreational drug use is a sign of a free society. This thinking is more in lines with those of liberterians who feel if, “if it neither picks my pocket or breaks my leg then why do I care”. (http://www.nobeliefs.com/jefferson.htm).

The problem comes in with human nature and addiction. Chemically induced addition or obsessive behavior from greed or narcissism can lead someone to screw it up for everyone. If a casual drug user who has been left alone can no longer financially sustain their habit begins to take from others then I have an issue. So while I support the free society approach I know through past performance and experience that humans will be unable to keep the consequences of their actions from spilling into society.

Given all of this I put forward a high bred solution. Allow drug use to be unregulated and make it a personal choice to shoulder all of the responsibility that comes with that choice. Couple that with an extremely high penalty for drug induced violations of law. This would include not allowing a drug user to put their medical costs on society’s tab. Not giving them special work conditions to meet their habit. Not funding treatment centers to kick the habit. Leave all of the burden up to them or to charitable organizations who do NOT rely on fleecing society for funding. Additionally any crimes resulting from habitual use (i.e. theft, BMV, DUI, etc. ) should be met with the most severe forms of punishment. Let the users decide if it is worth excessive jail time, death sentence or indentured servitude.

Discussion Board Question BCJ 2201:

Compare the U.S. juvenile justice system to the Beijing Rules. What are the strengths and limitations of the Beijing Rules implemented by the United Nations? Based upon the readings and your perspective, should the U.S. juvenile justice system incorporate any of these rules? If so, which ones would benefit the U.S. juvenile justice system as a whole?

Unit VII Assesment Questions BCJ 2201


Utilizing the reading for this unit, discuss juvenile justice or youth violence in China, Brazil, Indonesia, Ireland, or Russia. How are juveniles managed as compared to adults?

Your response must be a minimum of 200 words in length.

Unit VII Assignment BCJ 2201:


For this assignment, you will assume the role of a researcher for a nonprofit that examines international juvenile justice systems and/or youth violence. The nonprofit has asked that you complete a profile of two countries (use two of those discussed in this unit).

First, why do we study international juvenile justice and/or youth violence (at least one paragraph)?

Second, select two countries that were discussed in this unit for comparison. Provide the following information in your discussion:

Include the name of the country and an overview of it. You are encouraged to visit https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world… for this information (at least two paragraphs for each country).
Select a region by using the interactive map.
Then, select the specific country you will include in your discussion.
Include a summary of the juvenile justice or youth violence as identified in the lesson notes (at least one paragraph for each country).

Unit VII Assignment BCJ 2501:


This scholarly activity will include further research on white-collar crime. Visit the site below, and explore the different components of white-collar crime:

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (n.d.). What we investigate: White-collar crime. Retrieved from https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/white-collar-crime

Then, include the following points in your scholarly activity:

different types of crime that are categorized as white-collar,
the victims of these crimes, and
the reasons why you believe it is difficult to enforce these laws.

Your scholarly activity must be a minimum of two pages in length (not including the title and reference pages). All sources used, including the referenced website for this activity, must be cited and referenced using the appropriate APA format. Country
ABC Non-Profit Inc.
1234 Station Rd.
City, ST 01234
Prepared By:
As a researcher,
explain why we
juvenile justice
and/or youth
violence (at least
one paragraph).
Country #1:
(This could
about the
people, energy,
etc. Citations and
references are
not appropriate
here. Instead,
the information
should be in your
own words. This
section should be
at least two
You are encouraged to use https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/
Country Profile, ABC Non-Profit Inc.
(This should be a
summary of the
juvenile justice or
youth violence as
identified in the
lesson notes and
Citations and
references are
not appropriate
here. Instead,
the information
should be in your
own words. This
section should be
at least one
Country Profile, ABC Non-Profit Inc.
ABC Non-Profit Inc.
1234 Station Rd.
City, ST 01234
Prepared By:
Country #2:
(This could
about the
people, energy,
etc. Citations and
references are
not appropriate
here. Instead,
the information
should be in your
own words. This
section should be
at least two
(This should be a
summary of the
juvenile justice or
youth violence as
identified in the
You are encouraged to use https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/
Country Profile, ABC Non-Profit Inc.
lesson notes and
Citations and
references are
not appropriate
here. Instead,
the information
should be in your
own words. This
section should be
at least one
Country Profile, ABC Non-Profit Inc.
International Juvenile Justice Systems
in Comparison to the United States
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VII
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
7. Describe the approach to juvenile justice in international communities.
Reading Assignment
In order to access the following resources, click the links below:
Ford, R. (2008, July 2). Youths who see crime and violence as a career choice; Factbox. The Times, p. 6.
Retrieved from
Garcia-Navarro, L. (2013, April 30). As youth crime spikes, Brazil struggles for answers. Retrieved from
Iran’s juvenile justice. (2016, February 15). America, 214(5), 4. Retrieved from
Jensen, K. B. (2013, Summer). Child slavery and the fish processing industry in Bangladesh. Focus on
Geography, 56(2), 54–65. Retrieved from
Kamm, J. (2012, November 30). Trying juveniles. The New York Times, p. NA(L). Retrieved from
Lakshmi, R. (2013, January 18). Indians debate role of juvenile crime laws in rape case. The Washington
Post. Retrieved from
Maynard, R. (2011, September-October). Incarcerating youth as justice? An in-depth examination of youth,
incarceration, and restorative justice. Canadian Dimension, 45(5), 25–27. Retrieved from
McClelland, S. (2003, June 9). Institutional correction: A new youth crime act aims to fix a broken system.
Maclean’s, 116, 45. Retrieved from
Mexican youth: Authors and victims of violence. (2013, March 5). Retrieved from
More funding to tackle serious youth violence. (2010, March 17). States News Service. Retrieved from
BCJ 2201, Juvenile Delinquency
Morrison, R. (2000, November 24). A living hell in children’s jails; Analysis. The Times, p. 6. Retrieved from
New youth justice strategy announced. (2015, June 17). States News Service. Retrieved from
Youth violence falls in areas targeted by government’s ‘ending gangs’ programme. (2013, December 13).
States News Service. Retrieved from
Unit Lesson
Click here to access the Unit VII PowerPoint presentation. Click here to access a PDF version of this
Suggested Reading
The following websites provide additional information on international juvenile justice.
Department of Justice. (n.d.). Youth justice. Retrieved from https://www.justice-ni.gov.uk/topics/youth-justice
Dui Hua. (n.d.). Juvenile justice. Retrieved from http://duihua.org/wp/?page_id=131
Interview with John Pattiwael: An Indonesian view of juvenile justice. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Ministry of Justice. (n.d.). Young people (juvenile offenders). Retrieved from
Peterson, S. B. (2014, July 26). China. Juvenile justice and youth justice. Global youth justice system [Blog
post]. Retrieved from http://blog.globalyouthjustice.org/?p=2676
Peterson, S. B. (2014, August 4). Germany. Youth justice and juvenile justice. Global youth justice system
[Blog post]. Retrieved from http://blog.globalyouthjustice.org/?p=2694
PRS Legislative Research. (n.d.). The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill, 2014. Retrieved
from http://www.prsindia.org/billtrack/the-juvenile-justice-care-and-protection-of-children-bill-20143362/
BCJ 2201, Juvenile Delinquency

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