Group project addition material Attached is our group paper…I have to add a section about :discuss how we plan on conducting the assessment with methods

Group project addition material Attached is our group paper…I have to add a section about :discuss how we plan on conducting the assessment with methods and instruments!I need at at least 3-5 paragraphs of info with references please!YOU MUST READ THROUGH THE PAPER TO KNOW WHAT ASSESSMENT METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS WILL WORK BEST FOR OUR COMPANY Training & Development Plan
Effective training and development of Motors & More, Inc.’s staff at all levels will be the
spine to sustainable success and growth. Motors and More, Inc.’s development pathways will be
directly linked to their pre and post assessments to gauge the effectiveness of their
development deliverables. Motors & More, Inc.’s strategy for their deliverables will be blended at
all levels of development with an emphasis placed on the job training to meet the learning styles
of all employees as well as meaningful production.
Training Needs Assessment
Effective training and development plans are critical to the overall success of our
organization. Organizations are open systems made up of interacting components that
include people, tasks, technology, and structure (Nelson & Quick, 2018). Our business
will need to conduct an analysis to strategically implement a training and development
program. For effectiveness, the training needs to develop the knowledge, skills, and
abilities of the human resources that is directly related to the organizational goals
(Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2013). The purpose of training and development is to
increase productivity and performance of our value chain. Motors and More, Inc. will
need to conduct a needs assessment to develop an effective training program.
Our company will need to identify training needs at an organizational, individual,
and task level. The assessment is imperative to identify specific problems, obtain
support from management, gather data for evaluation, and to conduct a cost-benefit
analysis (Brown, 2002). For organizational analysis, data from the overall company will
need to be gathered. This includes future skills that will be need for organizational
changes, the current labor pool for inclusion of diversity, and consideration of laws and
regulations enforced by government legislation (Miller & Osinski, 2002). A task analysis
will help the organization identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that will need to be
obtained by the staff for performance. A job analysis will need to be conducted to
identify training needs for the individuals. The application of Hackman and Oldham’s
Job Characteristics Model (1975) will be an effective tool for identifying how individuals
interact with specific job attributes (Nelson and Quick, 2018). The individual analysis
can determine what training will be needed for specific individuals. The analysis will
need to be conducted by interaction and observation with new and current staff. An
individual analysis can help our organization identify performance problems such as
productivity, absenteeism, product quality, willingness to work, or if the problems may
not be related to the individual to do their job by other impediments (Miller & Osinski,
New Employee Deliverables
New employee development will begin at the on-boarding process with emphasis placed
on company culture. The on-boarding process will include video of current employees and
management to hi-lite the expectations, company culture and their role in the future growth of
the company and their individual careers.
Step two will begin the orientation process. During the orientation process, lead by HR
and IT, they will be introduced via web to the employee website and walked through benefits
and reporting procedures. At this time they will also be directed to the career mapping section.
The career mapping section will offer employees the ability to access the skills and
requirements needed for jobs and promotion in the company. This will aspect will allow new
employees to plan their future development. Courses designed to meet the skill requirements
will be offered through the company portal and tracked by HR. The curriculum will also include
opportunities to practice their newly acquired skills at appropriate times through the course.
During the orientation process new employees will be assigned to a mentor. Their
mentor will be in their work department and a source for their education and on the job training.
This is an important step due to 60% of development occurring during on the job training
according to Ivancevich and Konopaske (2013). The mentorship program will be a structured
process with feedback and assessment lasting a minimum of six months.
Current Employee Deliverables
Current employee deliverables will be accessed through online learning pods. These will
be short engaging courses designed around the skills employees need to attain for the position
they choose as well as material to master their current position. The pods will be pathways for
employees to communicate with one another. The design and functionality will be completed by
HR, managers and IT. The courses will offer feedback and assessment through awards earned
during the educational process. This process is called gamification, which will provide not only
feedback but motivation (Sharma, 2018).
Employees will also be aware of the PD benefit offered by Motors & More, Inc.
previously discussed in the benefits section. Additionally, Motors & More, Inc. will invest in
outside resources such as yearly speaking engagements. Outside speakers will bring new
ideas, advancements and education for Motors & More, Inc. to stay relevant and proactive in
new trends. Furthermore, it is proven that companies who invest in employee engagement
outperform those who do not (Sterling, n.d.). These speaker engagements will be followed by a
short debrief session with line managers to engage employees further and assess the
effectiveness. These engagements are also necessary to building our culture of growth
mindset. Current employees on the management track will also be given opportunity to sit and
observe Motors & More, Inc.’s leadership meetings.
Current employees will also be assigned as mentors for new employees. Giving them
this responsibility will create employee engagement and collaboration. Current employees will
be able to sharpen and further develop their skills at their current position through monitoring
and feedback with new employees.
Management Deliverables
Management will enhance their skills through collaboration and speaker engagements
both internally and externally. They will be given the responsibility through rotation to assess
Motors & More, Inc.’s employees and direction of company to design the topic for improvement.
According to Ken Sterling (n.d.), companies investing in leadership have outperformed others
over a 60 year period by 1500%. Managers will also be encouraged to cross-train within Motors
& More, Inc. to widen their skill base and encourage development in all areas (Heathfield,
2019). This would fall under on the job training as the method for development enhancement.
Managers would also be eligible for the PD benefit of reimbursement.
How training content will be developed
Because Motors and More desires to keep its employees engaged and enthusiastic
about growing within the organization, we plan to ensure that our training content speaks to the
specific needs of our employees. In an effort to streamline our training content we have
developed interactive surveys that will gather information about the individual career goals of
our employees. Another tool we plan to implement are annual competency checklists that will
provide transparency for employees and supervisors. Following this path will ensure that
training content remains up to date and relevant year after year. Our HRM teams will
consistently evaluate and modify our training content to match the needs and goals of our
Brown, J. (2002). Training needs assessment: A Must for Developing an Effective Training
Program. Public personnel management, 31(4), 569-578.
Hackman, J. R. & Oldham, G. R. (1975). Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 60(2), 159-170.
Heathfield, S. (2019, January 25). How to successfully develop company managers. The
Balance Careers. Retrieved February 8, 2019, from
Miller, J. A., & Osinski, D. M. (2002). Training Needs Assessment. Journal of Commerce, UK.
Nelson, D.L. & Quick, J.C. (2018) ORGB: Organizational Behavior (5th Edition). Boston, MA:
Cengage Learning.
Sterling, K. (n.d.) 4 benefits of bringing in a business speaker. Big Speak. Retrieved February 8,
2019, from
Sharma, N. (2018, March 15). Top 10 learning and development trends for 2018. eLearning
Industry. Retrieved February 8, 2019, from
Ivancevich, J. M. & Konopaske, R. (2013) Human Resource Management (12th Edition). New
York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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