State Athletic Commissions Actions Boxing Rules Violation Analysis These questions goes with sports 3 and 4 Were the actions of the State Athletic Commissi
State Athletic Commissions Actions Boxing Rules Violation Analysis These questions goes with sports 3 and 4 Were the actions of the State Athletic Commissions appropriate? Do you think there was an actual violationof the rules by the boxer under these circumstances des
The Rational Model
One item is of great importance to sport managers when they make deci-
sions: They must have an organized, thoughtful
process to follow. Decisions
of great magnitude cannot be left to chance. Rather, the sport manager’s
thought process must be detailed and organized. One such procen, the
Rational Model based on Robbins (1990), is outlined here:
1. Identify the REAL problem.
2. Identify the decision objective.
3. Gather all pertinent information.
4. Identify any hurdles.
5. Brainstorm for alternatives.
6. Narrow down the options.
7. Examine the pros and cons of each option.
8. Make the decision.
9. Evaluate the decision.
To illustrate this decision-making process, assume that you are the
Athletic Director at Big State University (BSU), home of the Fightin
skills, sport
and policy development in thelf Spon
case STUDY
You are the General Manager for the Elkhart Komets, a struggling AA base-
ball franchise. Playing in the old, poorly maintained Riverfront Stadium and
stuck with a dull logo (a gold star with a silver tail), you need to make some
decisions on how to increase revenues. Keep in mind that this is a minor
league team, and you have no control over which players you can acquire.
. Use the Rational Model of decision making to determine your course
Bryce, T.
Daft, R.
of action.
Rules and Regulations
fights. Margarito was licensed by the Commission as a professional
boxer in California from the mid-1990’s until 2009 when his license was
The Commission is the agency with sole jurisdiction over professional
boxing in California and is responsible for adopting and enforcing the
professional boxing rules in this state. The Commission has the
authority to issue, suspend, and revoke boxing licenses…
2. The Illegal Hand Wraps
Margarito was scheduled to fight Shane Mosley (Mosley) in a
welterweight championship boxing contest in Los Angeles on January 24,
2009. Margarito’s trainer. Javier Capetillo (Capetillo). was responsi-
ble for preparing the hand wraps, bandages, and tape used to protect
Margarito’s hands during the contest. Capetillo was a professional
trainer who had worked with many professional boxers during his 38-year
career as a trainer. During his 11 years as Margarito’s trainer,
Capetillo was the only person who wrapped Margarito’s hands before a
boxing contest.
Before the contest with Mosley, Capetillo was wrapping Margarito’s
hands while four Commission inspectors and Mosley’s trainer observed
the process. After Capetillo finished wrapping Margarito’s right hand.
Mosley’s trainer asked the Inspectors to physically inspect a pre-made
gauze knuckle pad insert that Capetillo was about to wrap over Mar-
garito’ left hand. The inspectors found that the inner layers of the
pad were discolored and that the pad felt harder than it should have.
In a report prepared after the inspection, commission Inspector che
Guevara (Guevara) described the sauze pad remaved from Margarito’s
left hand as “dirty-looking and smeared with a white substance that
looked like plaster and was hard to the touch. Concluding that the pad
violated the rules, the inspectors confiscated the pad and instructed
Capetillo to prepare a new one.
Mosley’s trainer then asked the inspectors to examine the gauze insert
In Margarito’s already wrapped right hand. Margarita insisted there
was nothing in the right hand wrapping, and held his hand out saying.
Touch St. Feel it. Go ahead. There is nothing in it. The inspectors
ordered the wrapping removed and found a similar improperly hardened
pad, which they confiscated. After Capetilio prepared two new knuckle
pade, the inepectors approved Margarito’s hand wraps and allowed Mar-
garito to proceed with the boxing match
In a letter dated January 27, 2009, the Commission notified Margarito
that his boxing license was temporarily suspended pending a final
56 Chapter 2 Startsmanship and Gamesmanship
suspension as follows:
determination of the case. The Commission explained the reason for the
what appears to be a violation of rule 323. Rule 323 limits the
This action is taken because of your recent participation in
both contestants be represented while the gauze and tape are
use of gauze and tape on an athlete’s hands and requires that
applied. The rule also prescribes the manner in which the ganz
and tape is applied to an athlete’s hands. Here it appears that
. foreign substance was used in the hand-wraps in violation of
Rule 323. Additionally. Commission rule 390 allows the commissies
to revoke, tine, suspend or otherwise discipline any license we
conducts himself or herself at any time or place in a manner
which is determined by the Commission to reflect discredit to
The Commission set a formal hearing on the matter for February 10, 2009
have seriously injured Margarito’s opponent.
3. Administrative Hearing
At the February 10, 2009 hearing, Commission Inspectors Guevara, Dean
Lohuis (Louis), and Mike Bray (Bray) all testified that they felt the
knuckle pads Capetillo initially placed in Margarito’s hand wraps
before the Mosley fight and that the pads felt harder than allowed by
the applicable rules and were confiscated. After feeling one of the
thing hard. Capetillo admitted that the confiscated pads violated the
confiscated pads at the hearing, Margarito admitted that he felt sone
applicable rules, and acknowledged that had they been used, they could
The commissioners at the hearing inspected one of the pads that had
soit gauze that is used to wrap a boxer’s hand before a contest. The
been confiscated from Margarito’s hand wraps and compared it to the
other confiscated pad was sent to the Department of Justice’s Forensic
laboratory for evaluation, where it was photographed under a micro-
scope at six times magnification. The photographs were presented as
evidence at the hearing.
at the conclusion of the hearing all Sau
DOUS-y to revoke Margari
inted una
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