Orlando by Virginia Woolf College Analysis Keep writing my essay for 500 more words. I wrote my essay for 1200 words already, keep writing for 500 more wor

Orlando by Virginia Woolf College Analysis Keep writing my essay for 500 more words. I wrote my essay for 1200 words already, keep writing for 500 more words of detail in reading and evidence from secondary sources.500 more words!!!! I will send you the original writing after you accepted my bid. I will give tips if you did a good job. Plz provide a lot details and Evidence. Evidence Evidence!!!!!!!Attached files are prompt and requirement! but now Woolt has responded as a reader of other genres and time periods of literature?
How does she address each of the above historical periods? What messages about the scope of biographies versus
literature does the text convey? How do Woolf’s rhetorical choices pertaining to genre serve appeal to her
contemporary audience?
3) In Orlando, Virginia Woolf creates something of a fantasy of gender fluidity, in which the protagonist, based on her
friend and lover Vita Sackville-West, can switch genders while maintaining a consistent identity and
personality. Sackville-West’s son wrote, “The effect of Vita on Virginia is all contained in Orlando, the longest and most
charming love letter in literature, in which she explores Vita, weaves her in and out of the centuries, tosses her from
one sex to the other, plays with her, dresses her in furs, lace and emeralds, teases her, flirts with her, drops a veil of
mist around her.”
What rhetorical elements of fantasy or romance does Woolf use in the telling of Orlando? What does the fact that
Orlando’s freedom comes largely from privilege and wealth tell us about Woolf’s historical/cultural context? Based on
the portrayals of gender in her work, does Woolf believe that gender has bearing on an individual’s identity? What
messages about gendered social and economic practices does Woolf suggest? How might the vision presented in “A
Room of One’s Own,” in which Woolf pleas for literal and figurative space for women writers, be received differently
by audiences of different economic means or racial backgrounds?
4) At the beginning of The Yellow Wallpaper, it is not actually clear whether or not the protagonist is insane. Like many
cumptoms classified as illpes thought to be specific to women of the era the symptom she is said to experience –
story convey? Take a closer look at the language of illness
of this era: how does the story engage with this rhetoric? What does the plot suggest about the way the writer has
responded to the “rest cures” commonly prescribed by psychiatrists of the era? How does Gilman linguistically model
the protagonist’s descent into madness? What does the protagonist know about her state, and what does she believe
will help her? What messages does the text have for each of Gilman’s audiences?
Some advice for getting started:
As you think about the ways that a particular audience responds to a specific tale, there are a few things you could
focus your attention on:
Specific emotions that readers experience at specific moments in the story (how is a word, an image, a plot twist
intended to make us feel?)
• Reader’s identification with a character or situation (how is the reader invited to imagine themselves in the story
and to what purpose?)
Reader’s agreement/disagreement with specific values, principles, or other ideas (how is the reader invited to judge
the characters and their actions?)
Your response should be at least 500 words (two double-spaced pages) long; discuss specific examples from your
primary and secondary texts to support your main arguments. Upload your response here in a Word document.
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CR Exercise 3: Audience, in Cox
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Due Tuesday by 11am
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Choose one of the following questions :
Your goals are to:
• Demonstrate your thorough understanding of the critical texts about gender in literature_
• Practice crafting arguments about rhetorical situation: historical/cultural contexts, audience, and genre.
Develop some potential ideas for your RA essay

Upload your Draft #2 here before our class on Tuesday, Feb. 5.
For draft 2, use our in-class exercise to focus on adding analysis and sources to your claim +
evidence. Find where your idea (claim + evidence from text) need some extra support. What
kind of support/secondary source would be most convincing?
For help finding sources, see the “Sources for Analysis” page under the Week 4 module.

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