NSCI362 UMUC Population Pyramid Environmental Change & Sustainability Population pyramids show the age structure of the population of a country or region.

NSCI362 UMUC Population Pyramid Environmental Change & Sustainability Population pyramids show the age structure of the population of a country or region. Different growth patterns caused by varying cultural values, war events or both help shape the pyramid. You will obtain the data (population pyramids) from https://www.census.gov/data-tools/demo/idb/informa… for three different countries. Once you’re at the site, you will need to locate the three countries of Ethiopia, Indonesia and UK:

Click the drop-down menu under Select Report, and choose the last option “Population Pyramid Graph”
Under the Select one or More Countries area, hold down your control button and choose Ethiopia, Indonesia and the United Kingdom
Leave all other selections as entered and click the Submit button at the bottom

Analyze the data: Each of the three countries will produce a population pattern that may be recognized as rapid growth, stable growth or growth decline. After you obtain the pyramids following the directions above, copy and paste them into your assignment and then identify which of the three patterns each country demonstrates.Write a supporting essay: Please write a brief essay comparing the three pyramids. Consider historical events, the present global population structure and the influence, if any, of the past and the present on future population growth. Compare and contrast these pyramids. Which country will have the greatest population increase? Why? What problems might these countries be facing? You may use additional information from library sources or the Internet. Please cite any outside sources used to prepare your essay and provide a “References Cited” section at the end of your assignment. Format: Your paper should be 3-5 pages long (excluding figures and references), double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around, and 12-pt font (Times New Roman or similar).See attached grading rubric.

End DateFeb 10, 2019 11:59 PM Grading Rubric: Exercise 1 – Population Pyramids
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Identified 1
population pyramid
Identified 2
Identified 3
population pyramids
population pyramids
Major problems with
language &
Criterion 1
Minor problems with
organization, and/or
Identification of
language &
organization, and/or
Minor mistakes,
Full credit: 21 pts Clearly written,
without mistakes.
Minor mistakes
17-21 points
Comparison of
population pyramids
clearly stated and
well supported.
Criterion 2
Essay comparing
Full credit: 30 pts written, without
25-30 points
10-16 points
Comparison of
pyramids partially
stated and not fully
No pyramids
identified, or all
0 points
Mostly direct quotes.
1-9 points
Comparison of
population pyramids
No comparisons
is attempted, but is
Major mistakes in
explanation, and/or
A few mistakes,
minor problems with
Major problems with
language &
language &
0 points
16-24 points
Criterion 3
Which country will
have the greatest
pop. increase?
What problems
might they be
Full credit: 25 pts
Level 1
Partially answered
Answered both
questions in a logical both questions. Not
fully explained.
1-15 points
Answered one
written, without
Major problems with
Minor problems with
language &
language &
18-25 points
10-17 points
1-9 points
Section skipped.
0 points
All references listed
at the end
Missing one
reference, and/or
Missing several
references, and/or
Minor problems with
In-text references are
Major problems with
Criterion 4
APA format, and/or
APA format, and/or
Full credit: 14 pts
Missing in-text
Correct APA format
No in-text references
13-14 points
Criterion 5
Format, Length,
Grammar &
Full credit: 10 pts
Overall Score
8-12 points
No references cited
0 points
1-7 points
1-4 minor
errors, paper is 3-5
pages in length
(excluding figures),
paper is doublespaced
errors, paper is not 35 pages in length
(excluding figures),
paper is not doublespaced
errors, paper is not 35 pages in length
(excluding figures),
paper is not doublespaced
15 + spelling/
grammatical errors,
paper is not 3-5
pages in length
(excluding figures),
paper is not doublespaced
8-10 points
5-7 points
1-4 points
0 points
Level 4 (A)
90 or more
Level 3 (B)
80 or more
Level 2 (C)
70 or more
Level 1 (D or F)
0 or more

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