Two-Factor Theory of Emotion

Emotion Regulation




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Things that stood up in the Research

Several things arose concerning emotional regulation in the empirical research that I read. First, the article stated that three components are essential to emotional regulation. This entails initiating action that is triggered by emotions. There is also the inhibiting, and the last one is the modulating response. The article clearly states that the modulating response is core in regulating all the processes involved in the emotion. (Chowdhury & Madhuleena (2021). The article stated that no day ends without coming across a scenario that provokes our emotional stimuli. Some aspects that cause emotion can be positive or negative events.

Another core aspect of the article is that an individual with poor emotion regulation strategies falls into the traps of mood polarities. The behavior and action patterns are controlled by emotion. In contrast, an individual who regulates emotion can balance his feelings, action, and judgment. Another core aspect that arose in the articles is the aspect of the items that govern emotion regulation. These items occur because they dictate an individual control of emotions. The essential aspect is the self–awareness that enables us to monitor how we feel, thus core in emotional regulation.

What did the authors of the study you selected examine in their research? What did they hypothesize and why (rationale)?

The author of the study examined the core aspects of emotion regulation. He gives the six elements that are essential in every person when it comes to emotion regulation. There is an element of the self–awareness that enables an individual having feeling in a specific scenario, thus essential in emotional regulation. There is an aspects of mindful awareness. This element enables an individual to identify his feelings towards the external environment, which allows an individual to gain a certain thought towards something. (Chowdhury & Madhuleena (2021). The third element is Cognitive reappraisal, which dictates an individual’s thinking capacity. These aspects has a central role in the acceptance of a specific scenario. In the Adaptability aspect, the author examines how this element lowers life’s adaptability as a result of emotional deregulation.

The author hypothesizes that distraction affects emotion .This distraction enables the mind to shift from the state of rest and tries to cope with the rise scenarios. In giving out the rationale, the author states that the acts of self-compassion enable an individual who is free from distractions and emotions. Unfortunately, those people who are not prone to distractions when it arises are unable to cope as they are not used to emotional regulation skills. The aspect of emotional support states that a person has mental energy capable of responding to emotions.

Method used

The method used in collecting data was the use of the questionnaire. In that, 187 college students were used, which entailed 40 men, 133 woment, and 14 who had missing data on their gender. The mean age of the participants was 23.9 years, and the ethnic composition entailed 53.1% Caucasian, 11.2% Asians, 1.1% Native-American, 7.1% African-American, 11.7% Latino/Hispanic, and 1.6% Middle-Eastern. The participants were recruited using the online portal. The participant were told about the importance of the study and they were given 21 days to fill in the survey.

Meaningful findings from the author’s research

Some of the research findings stated that two factors result in emotions. This includes the physiological arousal and cognitive label of physiological state. Some feelings and arousals are initiated in mind based on one’s environment. These feelings can either be good or bad based on the processing of information in mind. The research also found that a perspective mind enables the managing of emotions. Once an individual has feelings, it triggers the mental and physical attitude. The element of physical arousal has a central role in controlling emotion. From the research, it was found that the occurrences of emotional situations help in the development of an adaptive feature. The aspect of arousal compose a wide range of emotions; thus, physical arousal cannot only be a cause of emotional responses.

Limitation to study

Several limitations are subject to this study. First, the measure used was a self-report that the participant filled out at the end of the day; thus, problems associated with self-report were minimized; therefore, they were not eliminated. Another limitation is that the 14 participants failed to fill in gender data and therefore could not comprehensively analyze the data based on the genders.

How do the findings from this study help you better understand the content?

Through this study, I can appreciate several things that not only help in understanding the week’s contents but also play an essential role in understanding the aspects of emotions. I can appreciate that reappraisal is a core aspect of the feeling that helps change how an individual thinks concerning something that triggers emotions and offers a response. The aspect of suppression is normally linked to a negative outcome of something or a scenario. One way an individual can help in controlling emotion is to stop paying much attention to something that distracts the mind. A person should be willing to accept feelings to avoid much distraction. It is essential to avoid some stressful scenarios in life so that they trigger emotions. I can also appreciate that emotions are natural and unavoidable but there can be a mechanism to control them. There are trained therapists capable of helping people with channels of controlling emotions.

Parts 2


Null Hypothesis: There is a relationship between feelings and beliefs of inferiority in individuals living with ADHD.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is no relationship between feelings and beliefs of inferiority in individuals living with ADHD

Statistical test

The test used in the study is a correlation; it will be used to show the mutual relationship between the feelings and beliefs of inferiority in participants.


The graph consists of two variables which are used in testing the correlation. The X-axis consists of the Cognitive (Believes and knowledge) variable while in the Y axis consists of the Affection (Feelings) variables




The Research: Is: there is a relationship between feelings and beliefs of inferiority in individuals living with ADHD? The variable in this research study is feelings and beliefs. The scale used in this study is the Attitudes towards Mental Health Problems Scale.



Chapter 26: Suri, & Gross, (2016). Emotion regulation: A valuation perspective. In L. Feldman Barrett, M. Lewis, & J. M. Haviland-Jones (Eds.), Handbook of Emotions, 4th Ed. (pp. 453-466). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Article: Coan & Gottman, J. M. (2007). The specific effect (SPAFF) coding system. In J. A. Coan and J. J. B. Allen (Eds.) Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment (pp. 106-123), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Coan, J. A. & Gottman, J. M. (2007). The specific effect (SPAFF) coding system. In J. A. Coan and Allen (Eds.) Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment (pp. 106-123), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. – Alternative Formats

Web Article: Emotion regulation strategies in daily life: mindfulness, cognitive reappraisal, and emotion suppression

Chowdhury & Madhuleena (2021). Positive Psychology. What is Emotion Regulation? + 6 Emotional Skills and Strategies.

Psychology Today. (2021) Sussex Publishers, LLC. Emotional Regulation.

Cherry, Kendra. (2019) Very Well Mind. The Schachter-Singer Two-Factor Theory of Emotion

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