Focus on professional development

This week I want to focus on your professional development. So the discussion is intended for your future self who is a newly licensed clinical professional. Yes you! To respond to the questions consult the following material. (Click on the links to access the worksheet.)

Assume you are a licensed therapist in the field and are getting ready to launch your private practice.

Respond to the following questions:

1. Craft an AD: You plan to place 2-3 line ad about your service. Craft an ad that informs your potential client about you, your area of focus, your license and relevant information.

2. Plan a professional budget: Use this worksheet  Creating a Professional Budget.docx  to create a budget in 3 easy steps! And submit it along with your post.

-There is NO WRONG budget. (So, best to complete your budget worksheet before you look at other’s responses, so you can find your inner voice). Have fun with it! DREAM big!

-Download the worksheet, save it to your computer. Complete it. Save it using file name “your name_budget”. And upload the completed file when you post your reflection.

3. Reflect on the experience of creating your ad & budget. What did you learn? Was this a useful exercise? If yes, how? If not, why not?

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