Repeated Measures of Factorial Design
My research proposal is Aggression in Children. I want to explore the impact that violence and aggression have on children. Aggression can be feelings of antipathy or anger resulting in violent or hostile behavior or preparedness to confront or attack. Aggression in children may take numerous forms, such as kicking, biting, or even hitting.
Testing the Hypothesis
Under this study, the methods used to test the hypothesis will be a repeated measures factorial design, a mixed design, and a single-subject design. Both dependent and independent variables will be present in the research (Masud et al., 2019). The dependent variable will be how frequently the children have committed a string of violent acts. On the other side, the independent variables will be aggressive acts such as making some children dislike other children, striking other children, and pushing others (Puiu et al., 2018).
Repeated Measures of Factorial Design
A repeated measure of factorial design is a quantitative method to explore how different variables relate to one variable for a similar sample (Masud et al., 2019). The method is preferred since it examines various independent variables yet other methods have singular dependent or independent variables.
Mixed Design
A mixed design is a study method that combines the features of within-subjects design and between-subject design. In this method, the researcher studies the probable variances between two or more distinct groups of entrants and also evaluates changes in the separate members of all groups over time (Puiu et al., 2018).
Single-Subject Design
A Single Subject Design is a research methodology type characterized by constant evaluation of a certain phenomenon over a certain period (Masud et al., 2019). This method repeatedly quantifies the dependent variable over time and alters the conditions (Puiu et al., 2018).
Preferred Method of Study
The preferred method will be the Single-Subject Design. It is because it pays attention to independent performance, which may be concealed by group research. Also, the method concentrates on the big effects, avoiding practical and ethical issues while forming control groups and permitting significant design flexibility (Puiu et al., 2018).
Masud, H., Ahmad, M. S., Cho, K. W., & Fakhr, Z. (2019, May 17). Parenting styles and aggression among young adolescents: A systematic review of literature – community mental health journal. SpringerLink. Retrieved July 26, 2022, from
Puiu, A. A., Wudarczyk, O., Goerlich, K. S., Votinov, M., Herpertz-Dahlmann, B., Turetsky, B., & Konrad, K. (2018, April 22). Impulsive aggression and response inhibition in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and disruptive behavioral disorders: Findings from a systematic review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Retrieved July 26, 2022, from