Research Paper And Outline Development
Research Paper: Topic & Outline Development
Assignment Instructions
This assignment is the first in our Research Paper series. It provides an opportunity for you to take a closer look at a topic related to physiological processes and psychology. You will use your work in this assignment to sharpen your research and writing skills while you prepare to write your Research Paper.
For this assignment, you will:
1. Show the progression of topic selection to purpose statement to basic outline using a copy of the table provided below. Note: sample data is provided. Please do not use this topic or any of the references.
2. After completing your copy of this table, you will use the information to create an APA-formatted document with the title page, your purpose/thesis statement, a reference list with at least 3 journal articles (that meet the criteria listed below). You may also include your textbook and the Bible. The completed development chart will be included after your references as an Appendix.
Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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