Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions

Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions



The Research Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment is designed to assist you with understanding your Research Paper references, to teach you how to annotate scholarly journal articles. For this assignment, you will be annotating 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.




1. Choose 5 scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles which address Classical and/or Operant Conditioning. You might want to take a look at the Research Paper: Final Paper Submission Instructions (under assignments) to get an understanding of what you will be looking for to support your final paper.


2. Each scholarly journal article must have been published in the most recent 5 years.


3. Check your understanding of the current APA format for annotations in the Liberty Online Library under annotated bibliography .


4. Cite the first article in current APA format.


5. Write a concise annotation (200-250 words) which summarizes the central theme and scope of the article.


6. Explain why this article might be selected for a summative final research paper (100-150 word). Do not use first person.


7. Repeat for additional articles.


· Current APA style is required.

· Each annotation should use current APA Annotation format. See: annotated bibliography and notes below on Developing the Annotated Bibliography.

· All entries must be scholarly peer reviewed journal articles, published within the most recent 5 years.

· Websites and books are not acceptable sources.

· Do not include direct quotes. Instead, paraphrase information from the scholarly sources in order to demonstrate your mastery of each concept.

· Do not use first person. Write in a formal college-level essay style.


If you need assistance understanding an annotated bibliography please check in the Liberty Online Library under annotated bibliography . If you need assistance finding scholarly journal articles, please check out the Liberty’s Online Library .


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.



Developing the Annotated Bibliography


Your annotated bibliography will be formatted in current APA style. Look for the section and example on Annotated Bibliographies at this link:


Annotated Bibliography Information and Example


If you have questions or need assistance you must refer to the current APA style guide or visit this great resource available to Liberty Online students: Liberty’s Online Writing Center.


Familiarize yourself with the basic information surrounding your topic by accessing the Liberty University Library Research Portal. If you need assistance locating scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles, click here for resources that will help guide you as you navigate through the Liberty University Online Library. Additionally, you may use the “Ask a Librarian” service by filling out the e-Form found here.



Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Research Journal Articles


Begin by watching this video: What is a Peer Reviewed Scholarly Journal?


When you are looking for peer-reviewed research articles, be sure to select “Full-Text” and “Peer-Reviewed.” To find useful articles, narrow your search by selecting portions of the theory, key words, or phrases to use as your search parameters. Using only the theorist’s name or theory will likely result in too many results to be effective.


Your articles must be from scholarly peer reviewed journals. It is preferred that the journals you select have the word “Journal” in the title (Journal of Marriage and Family, etc.). Ideally, each journal that you review will have a Methods section, Data, Results, and Conclusion sections, but these sections are not required. You must not use book reviews, obituaries, magazine articles, or online articles that have not been published in scholarly journals.

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