Rate of in-hospital mortality

Issues: Nursing homes – Inadequate staffing and mandatory overtime

· 1. Why is nurse’s workload so heavy?

· 2.  Are good mandatory nurses after working five days straight?

· 3. Does patients get healthcare, if nurses are mandatory overtime and the lack of adequate nurse staffing can result in longer lengths of stay, patient dissatisfaction, higher readmissions.

I choose these three specific issues regarding nursing homes, Nurses mandatory overtime and under work. These issues need more attention and Patients in understaffed facilities face an increased rate of in-hospital mortality, a higher risk of infection, a rise in postoperative complications, and a greater number of falls.  After a long day shift, nurses are lucky to even sit down and eat dinner. Nurses collapse into bed only to wake up a few brief hours later to start the process over.


Issue: Legalization of Prostitution

Aspect 1: Safety
Pro: Stern, S. W., (2019). Sex workers of the world unite. The American Scholar, pp. 40-54.

The author presents the case, largely though the words of sex-workers themselves, for de-criminalization and for allowing sex workers to control the conditions of their work—that is, to operate brothels themselves, choose their physicians, provide and receive benefits, and work outside brothels if they so choose – which will make them safer and less apt to be exploited.

Con: Der Spiegel Staff. (2013, May). How legalizing prostitution has failed. Der Spiegel Online. https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/human-trafficking-persists-despite-legality-of-prostitution-in-germany-a-902533.html

Staff writers report that since de-criminalization of prostitution in Germany in 2003, exploitation and human trafficking remain significant problems. According to one German law enforcement officer, Germany is a “center for the sexual exploitation of young women from Eastern Europe, as well as a sphere of activity for organized crime groups from around the world” (Germany’s Human Trafficking Problem section)

Pro: (APA citation to article supporting SESTA legislation; brief description of content)

Con: (APA citation to article against SESTA legislation; brief description of content)

Aspect 3: Economics
Pro: (APA citation to article showing better income/standard of living after de-criminalization; brief description of content)

Con: (APA citation to article showing real economic benefit is to pimps, traffickers brief; description of content)

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