Annotation Bibliography in relation to Disaster Management Annotation Bibliography on Five peer reviewed articles in relation to disaster management with r

Annotation Bibliography in relation to Disaster Management Annotation Bibliography on Five peer reviewed articles in relation to disaster management with recent 5-10 years of publishing. please see more details below. ANNOTATION BIBLOGRAPHY
You will choose an area of Disaster Management to build your proposal around. Know that this initial
portion is often re-iterative. In other words, you may start and discard multiple ideas before you settle on a
question you can answer with your study, building on the prior body of knowledge. Your first installment
will be five peer-reviewed academic or scientific papers of recent publication (five to ten years old) that
you will locate, read, analyze, and annotate.
A key component of a research proposal is a review of the literature. You need to
establish what is known and what is unknown about your chosen topic. Every CHOICE
you make in the research project design needs to be supported by ‘grounding’ in the
existent body of accepted knowledge, thus review and citations of the literature related
to methods.
This interim project (ten points) is an annotated bibliography of a minimum of five
(5) papers relating to your chosen topic, research question, and general methods you
anticipate utilizing.
Scholarly & Peer-Review

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