Application of Linear Programming on Salary THIS IS ONLY A DISCUSSION QUESTION SO I ONLY NEED ABOUT 2 OR 3 PARAGRAPHS THAT’S IT#5. If you respect your empl

Application of Linear Programming on Salary THIS IS ONLY A DISCUSSION QUESTION SO I ONLY NEED ABOUT 2 OR 3 PARAGRAPHS THAT’S IT#5. If you respect your employees and customers, what are some situations where you might not go with the optimal mathematics solution from a linear programming problem, but adjust the result even though it will likely be less profitable? Linear Programming problems are a great way to find the mathematically optimal solution. However, life is not always that simple. In this discussion choice you have an opportunity to reflect on times when respect might make you reject the financially optimal solution. Choose question 5 in the “Value discussion” on the last page of Chapter 4 in the “Finite Mathematics” book. Be creative in your situations so they do not match those of your classmates. please make sure you include work cited at least 1

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