Entries by Ben

Operation Security 1.The following scenario is based on an actual attack deconstructed at a seminar I attended earlier this year. The names and locations h

Operation Security 1.The following scenario is based on an actual attack deconstructed at a seminar I attended earlier this year. The names and locations have been removed to preserve the privacy of the organization in question. Background: No-Internal-Controls, LLC is a mid-sized pharmaceutical company in the Midwest of the US employing around 150 employees. It […]

GU299 Grantham WK1 Organizations for Helping Senior Citizen Paper General Education Capstone – Week 1 Assignment Serving Learning Organization Case Study

GU299 Grantham WK1 Organizations for Helping Senior Citizen Paper General Education Capstone – Week 1 Assignment Serving Learning Organization Case Study Scenario: You have been hired by XYZ University as a consultant. The University leadership is thinking about requiring students to participate in a service learning project in order to graduate. As a case study, […]

HRM326 University of Phoenix Employee Training Development Plan Create a 1,050 word development plan that includes the following:Assess the legalities of t

HRM326 University of Phoenix Employee Training Development Plan Create a 1,050 word development plan that includes the following:Assess the legalities of training.Determine whether the plan could offend any of the protected classes.Evaluate whether you will use the plan as the sole weighting for promoting and determining the eligibility of employees for opportunity to move forward […]

BBA4751 Columbia Southern University Business Ethics Video Analysis Paper For this assignment, you will watch a series of short video segments from the fil

BBA4751 Columbia Southern University Business Ethics Video Analysis Paper For this assignment, you will watch a series of short video segments from the film Business Ethics: A 21st-Century Perspective. Provide a response to the questions that follow. Daly, F., White, T., & Vogel, D. (Writers). (2000). Business ethics: A 21st-century perspective [Video file]. Retrieved from […]

Grantham Initial Recommendation: Researching Community Partnerships Paper Case Study Scenario: You have been hired by XYZ University as a consultant. They

Grantham Initial Recommendation: Researching Community Partnerships Paper Case Study Scenario: You have been hired by XYZ University as a consultant. They want you to evaluate an organization to see if a service learning opportunity would benefit future students and the community. Your initial recommendation is due in week 5 and will be based on the […]

Columbia Southern University Dirty Tricks Table Fallacies in Thinking Paper For this assignment, you will create a table of the most prominent fallacies in

Columbia Southern University Dirty Tricks Table Fallacies in Thinking Paper For this assignment, you will create a table of the most prominent fallacies in thinking. Select 15 of the 44 “Dirty Tricks” outlined in your textbook beginning on page 313. Include each of the following items in your table: the name and number of the […]

HRM326 Phoenix Customer Service and Communication Training Paper Training evaluations are important to determine if the selected training solution was effe

HRM326 Phoenix Customer Service and Communication Training Paper Training evaluations are important to determine if the selected training solution was effective and provided the appropriate return on investment. Customer Service and Communication TrainingWhat is Being Measured and Time-frame Description of Evaluation Form and MeasuringAPA style, 200 words (max 250) covering the above bullets. I am […]

PSY315 Gestalt Therapy Case Study Of Linda Review the “Linda” case vignette (attached). Linda agrees to work with you for several months, and you will be

PSY315 Gestalt Therapy Case Study Of Linda Review the “Linda” case vignette (attached). Linda agrees to work with you for several months, and you will be using Gestalt procedures with her. At some point you might work with Linda’s feelings of anger and hurt toward her boyfriend. What Gestalt techniques can you think of to […]

Grantham Planet Fitness Project Background and Description Paper During the next eight weeks we will work on creating a complete project management plan. W

Grantham Planet Fitness Project Background and Description Paper During the next eight weeks we will work on creating a complete project management plan. We will cover a variety of planning exercises that will give you a good grasp of the concepts related to planning, executing and finishing a project. This week you will determine the […]