Entries by Ben

Rapid Influenza Disease Diagnosis Discussion It is flu season and patients are coming to the emergency room complaining of fever. Diagnosis of the flu depe

Rapid Influenza Disease Diagnosis Discussion It is flu season and patients are coming to the emergency room complaining of fever. Diagnosis of the flu depends on other variables or symptoms though, such as, chills, body aches, and respiratory infection. Just looking at symptoms without testing, what is the probability that the patients actually have the […]

Response Posts on Lacey’s Case Case Lacey is involved in a violent marriage for five years. One night, after her husband pushes her down the stairwell an

Response Posts on Lacey’s Case Case Lacey is involved in a violent marriage for five years. One night, after her husband pushes her down the stairwell and proceeds to continuously beat her, Lacey shoots him. She calls 911, reports the crime, and asks for an ambulance. At the hospital, a detective interviews her and notes […]

Cultural Celebrations Cultures throughout the world have unique celebrations. Listed below are celebrations from throughout the world. Your task is to read

Cultural Celebrations Cultures throughout the world have unique celebrations. Listed below are celebrations from throughout the world. Your task is to read about these celebrations and identify the value(s) each celebration cherishes. Some celebrations will have more than one value attached to the event. Read the description of each celebration and identify the value(s) exemplified […]

CWV101 Grand Canyon University Fall of Humanity Then and Now Questions Please write my Fall of Humanity assignment. If there are any questions please feel

CWV101 Grand Canyon University Fall of Humanity Then and Now Questions Please write my Fall of Humanity assignment. If there are any questions please feel free to ask. Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet Name: Course: Date: Instructor: PART ONE: THE FALL – THEN Read the assigned readings in Topic 3 (textbook Chapter 4, […]

PSY101 Ashford Week 5 Albert Einstein Specific Characteristics Paper The summative assignment for this course is a Final Paper, which is due in Week 5. Wee

PSY101 Ashford Week 5 Albert Einstein Specific Characteristics Paper The summative assignment for this course is a Final Paper, which is due in Week 5. Week 3 DB #2 Select a famous person (or fictional character) who you believe epitomizes successful intelligence as outlined in the textbook and assigned readings. I chose Albert Einstein, he […]

Values of a Social Worker TASK 1: the 1st paper that is one page is about Address the following topic in a statement that is double-spaced (12 pt) and tot

Values of a Social Worker TASK 1: the 1st paper that is one page is about Address the following topic in a statement that is double-spaced (12 pt) and totals one page in length. Discuss your past and current experience with the child welfare system and address how the Child Welfare Scholarship Program is consistent […]

LEG100 Strayer Week 7 Assignment Patty Plaintiff’s Really Bad Week Assignment: Patty Plaintiff’s Really Bad Week Due Week 7 Worth 280 points In this assig

LEG100 Strayer Week 7 Assignment Patty Plaintiff’s Really Bad Week Assignment: Patty Plaintiff’s Really Bad Week Due Week 7 Worth 280 points In this assignment, you’ll need to decide whether Patty Plaintiff has any legal claims arising from a series of unfortunate events. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to […]

DAT565 University of Phoenix Methodologies of Data Mining Paper Methodologies of Data Mining Compose a minimum 1,400-word analysis in which you include th

DAT565 University of Phoenix Methodologies of Data Mining Paper Methodologies of Data Mining Compose a minimum 1,400-word analysis in which you include the following about Six Sigma for Data Mining: Appraise the popularity of Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM), and evaluate its methodology. Construct an example of how Six Sigma for Data Mining […]

CS192 Grantham University Team Management Modularized Program Paper Team Management You are in charge of managing a local softball team, one in which ther

CS192 Grantham University Team Management Modularized Program Paper Team Management You are in charge of managing a local softball team, one in which there is a lot of turnover. While you have a couple of regulars, much of the team members come and go frequently. When it comes to organizing games, it is becoming more […]

?IT545 Cost Benefit Analysis Analyze effective financial tools for technical environments. Purpose The purpose of this Assignment is to conduct a Cost B

?IT545 Cost Benefit Analysis Analyze effective financial tools for technical environments. Purpose The purpose of this Assignment is to conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis for using Blockchain in your eCommerce. Assignment Instructions Scenario: You are the Director of IT & Security for an eBook distributor. Your CEO has come to you asking when you are […]