Entries by Ben

Week4 projective and objective methods of personality In this assignment, you will compare projective and objective methods of personality assessment. Rese

Week4 projective and objective methods of personality In this assignment, you will compare projective and objective methods of personality assessment. Research a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles in the Ashford University Library that were published within the last 15 years on these techniques. In your paper, you will provide an evaluation of these techniques organized […]

FIN575 University of Phoenix Profit and Loss Statement Paper The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to gain the necessary knowledge to manage

FIN575 University of Phoenix Profit and Loss Statement Paper The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to gain the necessary knowledge to manage cost and determine project viability through capital budgeting techniques, so they can effectively minimize the cumulative error between the projected values and actual values over the relevant time horizon.Note: The […]

PSY650 Ashford Collaborating with Outside Providers Case Analysis Case Analysis – Collaborating with Outside Providers Prior to beginning work on this ass

PSY650 Ashford Collaborating with Outside Providers Case Analysis Case Analysis – Collaborating with Outside Providers Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the PSY650 Week Three Treatment Plan and Case 9: Bulimia Nervosa in Gorenstein and Comer (2014). Please also read the Waller, Gray, Hinrichsen, Mounford, Lawson, and Patient (2014) “Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia […]

PSY331 Ashford University Applying Learning Theory to Life Paper Prior to beginning work on this activity read all of the required reading, review the cont

PSY331 Ashford University Applying Learning Theory to Life Paper Prior to beginning work on this activity read all of the required reading, review the content from weeks one through three, visit the website http://selfdeterminationtheory.org, and review the Instructor Guidance. This week you will be discussing the multiple perspectives about how we learn, based on your […]

English Purdue Dostoevsky’s Notes From The Underground Analysis Write a 500 word essay on Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground. Textual Analysis – Inst

English Purdue Dostoevsky’s Notes From The Underground Analysis Write a 500 word essay on Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground. Textual Analysis – Instructions For this assignment, choose ONE of the literary works you have read from weeks 1-4 (or later, if you’ve read ahead). By now, you should’ve read this particular text at least once. […]

Understanding Military Civil Support PowerPoint Presentation: Understanding Military-Civil Support: Individual Assignment Review articles placed in Cou

Understanding Military Civil Support PowerPoint Presentation: Understanding Military-Civil Support: Individual Assignment Review articles placed in Course documents related to EMAC and Stafford Act. Use this information along with the Content column to assist in preparing your presentation in Week 5. This presentation should total 15-20 minutes. National Guard EMAC Attached Files: NG EMAC.pdf (362.329 KB) […]

Columbia Southern Unit III Linear Nutrients College Algebra Questions Please see the attached file for the assignment. All of the requirements and steps th

Columbia Southern Unit III Linear Nutrients College Algebra Questions Please see the attached file for the assignment. All of the requirements and steps that must be taken are listed. Unit III Assignment: Linear Nutrients In this assignment, you will be asked to find a linear equation based on the nutritional information of food served at […]

BIS303 Phoenix Grand Regency Hotel E Commerce Channels Paper Select a hospitality company in your community and evaluate their presence on e-commerce chann

BIS303 Phoenix Grand Regency Hotel E Commerce Channels Paper Select a hospitality company in your community and evaluate their presence on e-commerce channels in 700- to 1,050-word paper. Contact the general manager to help gather information and use outside resources to assess the following:How well has the company utilized the three types of e-commerce? Is […]

Narrative Research Essay on Oral Labour History Research Essay Instructions: Your essay is worth 25% of your final grade. Your assignment must be between

Narrative Research Essay on Oral Labour History Research Essay Instructions: Your essay is worth 25% of your final grade. Your assignment must be between 8-10 pages in length double-spaced, including references. Your paper must have 1-inch margins, with 12-point Times New Roman Font, and have a title page with your name, essay title, course code, […]

PSY225 University of Phoenix Tracking Positive and Negative Emotions Paper Track your experience of positive and negative emotions over 4 days this week.

PSY225 University of Phoenix Tracking Positive and Negative Emotions Paper Track your experience of positive and negative emotions over 4 days this week. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following: Did you experience more positive or negative emotions during the tracking period? What did you notice about the range of […]