Entries by Whiteread Jody

Influence of social media on mental health

The Influence of Social Media on Mental Health         Martha Ramsey Saint Leo University Research Method II: PSY 535 Instructor Andrea Goldstein November 6, 2022                 Introduction When discussing the influence of social media on mental health, first, it is pivotal to understand what social […]

Stigma attached to psychological disorders

While psychological disorders still have a stigma, steps have been taken by some individuals to help others understand the disorders a little better. For example, photographer John William Keedy captured images to express anxiety disorders, OCD, and varied neuroses in ” Photos Reveal What It’s Like to Have Anxiety Issues .” Review ” What It’s Like to Have […]

Morning After

When writing the papers please do not use any slang words. I am in a graduate program therefore, use professional tone of words. Assignment 1: Watch the following videos and write a one page summary; APA format, cite videos and relevant sources   Assignment 2: at least 250 words; APA format; cite relevant sources “Next […]

Forensic psychologist

f I was a forensic psychologist I would tend to subscribe to social processing theory, but I do think social structure theory can be used often by forensic psychologists. Social structure theory is based on the idea that people’s socioeconomic status has an impact or influence on their chances of becoming a criminal (Siegel, n.d.). […]

Chances of becoming a criminal

Reply 4-1 AV (100 words and 1 reference) If I was a forensic psychologist I would tend to subscribe to social processing theory, but I do think social structure theory can be used often by forensic psychologists. Social structure theory is based on the idea that people’s socioeconomic status has an impact or influence on […]

Forensic psychologists

Reply 4-1 AV (100 words and 1 reference) If I was a forensic psychologist I would tend to subscribe to social processing theory, but I do think social structure theory can be used often by forensic psychologists. Social structure theory is based on the idea that people’s socioeconomic status has an impact or influence on […]

Socioeconomic status

Reply 4-1 AV (100 words and 1 reference) If I was a forensic psychologist I would tend to subscribe to social processing theory, but I do think social structure theory can be used often by forensic psychologists. Social structure theory is based on the idea that people’s socioeconomic status has an impact or influence on […]

Maternal stress during pregnancy

RESEARCH AND ETHICS IN PSYCHOLOGY Developmental psychology attempts to understand cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development throughout the lifespan. In order to understand, for example, how maternal stress during pregnancy might impact the child later in life, pregnant women and children could be studied. Vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women, newborns, children, cognitively impaired individuals, incarcerated […]

Creating an organization wide culture of safety

Creating an organization-wide culture of safety is vital to any health care organization. For this assignment, assume that you are working as a health care executive for a large health care system that includes both in-patient hospitals and a wide array of outpatient services. Your role includes ensuring all clinical department heads have resources necessary […]

Life Positions and Attachment Styles

In 2002, Boholst constructed a Life Position Scale for the purpose of finishing his dissertation. The construct life position was one of the variables he studied in his doctoral dissertation titled, The Influence of Life Scripts and Life Positions on Psychopathology and Positive Mental Health: A Structural Equation Modeling. He had to construct this scale because there […]