BBA3551 Columbia Southern Open Source Software PPT Research Project Open Source Software Research ProjectResearch an open source software project. Examples

BBA3551 Columbia Southern Open Source Software PPT Research Project Open Source Software Research ProjectResearch an open source software project. Examples of open source projects are listed on page 123 of your textbook.
You are not restricted to the open source projects listed on page 123; you may research one of your own choosing that
interests you.
In MS PowerPoint, create a presentation with slides that describe the open source software and how it works. Discuss the
role this open source software has in management information systems.
Remember, management information systems is the management and use of information systems that help organizations
achieve their strategies (page 10 of your textbook).
Your PowerPoint must have a minimum of four slides. Be sure to use the 7X7 rule in PowerPoint: no more than 7 lines per
slide and no more than 7 words per line. Use of images, graphics, and diagrams is required. Be sure to include your
sources on a references slide in APA format. Q3 is open source software a viable alternative?
To answer this question, you first need to know something about the open source movement and process.
Most computer historians would agree that Richard Matthew Stallman is the father of the movement. In
1983, he developed a set of tools called GNU (a self-referential acronym meaning GNU Not Unix) for
creating a free Unix-like operating system. Stallman made many other contributions to open source,
including the GNU general public license (GPL) agreement, one of the standard license agreements
for open source software. Stallman was unable to attract enough developers to finish the free Unix
system, but continued making other contributions to the open source movement.
In 1991, Linus Torvalds, working in Helsinki, began work on another version of Unix, using some of
Stallman’s tools. That version eventually became Linux, the high-quality and very popular operating
system discussed previously.
The Internet proved to be a great asset for open source, and many open source projects became
successful, including:
Open Office (a Microsoft Office look-alike)
Firebox (a browser)
MySQL (a DBMS, see Chapter 5)
Apache (a Web server, see Chapter 6)
Ubuntu (a Windows-like desktop operating system)
Android (a mobile device operating system)
Cassandra (a NoSQL DBMS, see Chapter 5)
Hadoop (a BigData processing system, see Chapter 9)
What is the Bottom Line?
The bottom line? This course is the most important course in the business school because:
1. It will give you the background you need to assess, evaluate, and apply emerging
information systems technology to business.
2. It can give you the ultimate in job security-marketable skills—by helping you learn
abstraction, systems thinking, collaboration, and experimentation.
3. Many MIS-related jobs are available.
With that introduction, let’s get started!
Q2 What Is MIS?
We’ve used the term MIS several times, and you may be wondering exactly what it is. MIS stands for
management information systems, which we define as the management and use of information
systems that help organizations achieve their strategies. This definition has three key elements:
management and use, information systems, and strategies. Let’s consider each, starting first with
information systems and their components.

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